I want to get my bike fixed. Need new tires and a general tune up since I haven't used it in a few years. Does anyone do that in Melrose? I know of a place in Cambridge but getting over there is a pain.
When you say "I haven't used it in a few years" does that mean it has a sissy bar, banana seat, motorcycle handlebars and a little bell that goes "ring-ring"?
Remember, Remembering, we are all here to gather around and provide support and encouragement to Patty, no matter what her bicycle looks like or how heavy she ....... Oh, wait a minute........ never mind.
As I recall, from when I checked with the Stoneham Historical Society about Annie, it was either an early version of "Avon-type" products, or "Amway-type" products, but can't remember which they said.
and Patricia, there was a great bike shop in Melrose Highlands for quite a while, but that was probably 50 years ago, and it's long gone. So why am I telling you this? I have no idea!
LMFAO! I had a bad week and the downward spiral of my original post is uplifting!
Thank you Remembering for the Stoneham suggestion! If you see a red headed, freckled faced 50 year old wanna be vying to be the next bicycle Annie …honk! What was it that she gave out? Not sure I can compete but every village needs more than just one just one quirky person for the young’uns to talk about!
Thank God my daughter is in Pittsburgh....she would kill me.
She wasn't the only one. We also had Lester, who had a very similar bike with basket. He was usually found pedaling around the Common.
You can probably guess what his nickname was, given his name, his appearance (he looked kind of like Freddie the Freeloader) and his propensity for hanging around playgrounds. Given today's climate, it doesn't seem nearly as funny now as it did then.
Wasn't there also a bike/hobby shop/ on west foster across from the Police station where (or near) the Christian Science reading room. If my memory is correct I bought a basket for my Columbia bike there back in the 50's.
As to Annie, I remember standing at the crossing gate shanty with Bill the attendant and watching Annie go by and Bill saying "There she goes, pedaling her Avon" or something to that effect.
When in doubt.... ask you Mom. And in this case, a 95yo who's sharp as a tack. She's with my sister and not very computer literate. So I texted my sister and asked her to ask Mom what she sold.
She new it right away. Vanilla Extract! She also said Annie would never work for a company because it would make her keep track of things and do reports and take orders, and that was definetly not Annie's way.
That's fantastic that your Mom is still here, and still that sharp. Nothing better at 'setting things straight' than going to those who still remember! I'll bet it even brought back some fun memories for her. Thanks for checking and sharing OG!
Right on the money for a number of things, there Geezer. My Mom, Sis and I sure did share memories about Bicycle Annie avoidance.
We learned how to draw the shades, turn off the lights and be as quiet as possible when there was a Bicycle Annie sighting. My number 1 job was to keep the dog as quiet as possible. Not so easy a task when you own a beagle.
When I heard "Vanilla Extract" I was a little , um, skeptical but then I thought... we need to realize what we were baking back in the 40's and 50's. Vanilla extract was a big product back then. You didn't buy Cakes, you made them from scratch. If you wanted cookies, you made them too. And every pie you made, had vanilla extract in it. Lot's of "sales potential" there.
I think Annie was a lot more clever than we give her credit for.
Well, I have to admit, I'm kind of depressed. Not a single kid received any Peeps this year. I think I may be going through Peep withdrawal. Maybe I should move to Wyoming Ave.
Just checking. You guys (and gal) do realize that by visiting and posting in the "Dark Side", one of us or all of us are going to get burned just like the proverbial little kid and the hot stove. You all know that..... right?
That's too bad. Maybe it will turn up. Do you have an attic? I put things away for safekeeping all the time and then forget where I put them. Gehirn furz.
I’ve tried a bunch of German to English translation tools and I can find one that works except for the word furz which sounds almost the same in English.
Since I’m the consummate professional of the “dark side” here, it’s too bad that there are so many mean people on this board. Thank you all for dabbling in the dark side on my behalf.
Now listen….no googleing! See if you can guess. Post Three Stooges, pre Willy Wonka and circa Benny Hill ….what show skit made the word “gob” famous? (I think I gave too many hints)
And I just noticed you asked for the skit which I have no clue, so I don't think I got it if I only guessed the right show. So... if I guessed the right show then I'll guess Goldie Hawn's skit (since she's the only one I ever focused on while watching the show anyway). And don't ask me which Goldie Hawn skit because I won't know so we'll just try to sneak that one by Fossil and Geezer and Remembering.