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The Melrose Taxpayers'

You can learn more in the coming weeks. The Melrose Taxpayers' Alliance will be educating you with accurate, factual information to help you make the right choice in the April 2nd election. This is an important vote, so be sure and make your decision based on facts, not fiction! Visit Our new Melrose Taxpayers' Alliance website: and follow us on Facebook to learn more

We will be working hard to reach out to all of our neighbors. If you have questions or would like to get more involved, please email us at

Re: The Melrose Taxpayers'

Much of the talk in Melrose of late has centered on the upcoming tax override vote, with each side of the debate making their presence known and stating their respective cases to all who will listen.On April 2 2019.

Re: The Melrose Taxpayers'

The MTA cancelled their “forum” due to lack of interest. Not going well for Julie facts, no support and no momentum.

It’s a **** shame. You hate to see it. You really do.

Re: The Melrose Taxpayers'

Hate to tell you a lot of people are Voting No