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一級船主好難考呀, 各位師兄考左幾多次?

Re: 一級船主好難考呀

Karen, 你用美人計都唔得?!

Re: 一級船主好難考呀

I will recommend you to attend some classes for the exam. You will fail many times before you know exactly what to know ( and to satisfy the examiner). You will need question sets and model answers to pass the exam, as you need to recite the answer in order to finish all the question in time. I failed in the first oral exam only because I have a couple of questions left after I ran out of time. All-in-all, it is much much more difficult than Grade Two Master or a car driving licenses test (you know very much what you need to know). In compairison, I pass Grade Two Master and Engineer all in one go without going to any class, and I have classmate fail two or three times. There could be someone who failed even more than 3, if they do not totally give up.

Re: 一級船主好難考呀

ST 你而家pass 左未??
聽講平均20人考只有1人pass !!

Re: 一級船主好難考呀

一級船長吾難考,堂要上,錢要俾,更要靠自己。只要做好準備,合格絕對吾難,通常不能一次合格,只是那些公司的托辭,合格與否只在於自己如何準備/把握。question sets and model answers更是信果個死果個,考官一日聽幾次,你吾厭佢都厭。


Re: 一級船主好難考呀

catpion 哥哥, 即係要自己"溶會冠通"??

我會比心機睇熟一九七二年國際海上避碰規則, thank you thank you

Re: 一級船主好難考呀


I passed in my second attempt.

I think you will still pass the exam without attending any class if you are persistant enough. The only problem is you probably will fail a few more times because the oral exam is really quite challenging. There is no syllabus and model questions ( not available from the marine department, as far as I am aware). This is quite different from most public exam ( like the cert exam) where may model question set is available.

I think the examiner is well aware of student attending class as they can easily tell from the way you answer the question (how can two students have the same answer in term of the exact wording if they have not attend the same school and have the same model answer?) In fact they will be a bit more demanding, and they may even try to trick you if you are one of those who do not try to digest the answer but just to recite the model answer. So be sincere and try to understand the reason behind the answer even you attend the class.

Good luck to you.
