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Re: 想搵帆船高手指教


Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

我唔係高手,但可交流下 :)

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教


Re: 想搵帆船高手指教


Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

但係我聽人講,香港似乎係10月至5月先至會有比較穩定嘅風... 對帆船來講,而家會唔會唔係太好風呢?

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教



Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

我上星期日1:30pm 白沙灘去大蛇灣,牛尾海給起碼20架30-45呎帆船阻晒玩比賽或練習我唔知,三至四級東南風,佢地阻住成個灣,附近要出海的大游艇都要避到左手近橋咀/三星灣左手岸果便才能,我架細船插入帆船中間,成群帆船在我左右,當然邊架食我尾浪佢麻煩一點,但我都夠麻煩。


Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

我冇咩經驗但有興趣 :P

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

轉眼間,我的左舷出現了數艘帆船(當時我在科大對開海面,航向吊鐘洲,他們則航向牛尾洲),其中一艘帆船A與我們有碰撞危機。當時吹西南風,我們Starboard tack (右舷受風),A船Port tack(左舷受風,跟據海上慣例,starboard tack有航行權,所以我下令舵手保持航向,令他們可以作出調整。
兩船迫近到大約30米,A船上的老外叫我們讓路,我大叫"Starboard"! 意即提醒他們,我們右舷受風有航行權。怎料他們大叫"We are racing"! 我下令轉舵指向他們船尾避碰,結果雙安無事,他們揮手示意多謝。
1. Racing大晒嗎?比喻說,難道在街上非法賽車,就要全世界讓你嗎?Racing就不需依海上避碰規則嗎?
2. 我隻鐵殼船,你隻纖維船;我隻船42呎,你隻船得果廿零三十呎;我隻crusing船,必定實淨過他們的racing船;撞起上黎,我隻船最多咪凹,他們必定穿,難道他們不怕相撞後沉船嗎?還有,如果上到Court,他們必定要賠足(我有航行權,有有警告他們)

老外比賽,真是認真,連命都不要! :)

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

if boat are sailboat, port tack give way to starboad tack. however, yr is motorboat, motorboat give way to
sailboat any at case, not even in racing.

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

my one is sailing boat

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教




Re: 想搵帆船高手指教



Re: 想搵帆船高手指教


Re: 想搵帆船高手指教


Re: 想搵帆船高手指教



Re: 想搵帆船高手指教


Re: 想搵帆船高手指教



Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

boating in the open sea is different to driving car in roads where the demarcations and road signs are relatively clear and easy to follow. So in addition to following the rules of boating and shipping rights, common sense and safety would be important especially some people may not be observing the same. It will be difficult for people who are not familiar with sailing/racing to understand why sailboats are given priority rights in open waters and why they sometimes behave in a "strange" manner.
Having been involved in sailboat racing for a number of years ( not in Port Shelter ), I think it might help to provide you a better understanding if you would allow me to express my 2 cents:
1. sail boats derive its power from nature (wind) and therefore its mobility is subject to wind speed and direction.
2. sail boats cannot stop quickly and have no reverse gear.
3. for larger sailing boats, they require team work to steer and sometimes response may be slower
4. sailing boats have their limitations in going upwind and they need to tack to go upwind. In general they will lose their power if they go within 45 degrees of the wind direction in upwind course.
5. wind keeps changing both in speed and direction and sail boats may suddenly lose/gain speed and adjust their course with the wind direction.
6. going down wind with the kite in windy conditions is difficult to control and other boats should for their own benefits stay clear.
7. now in racing, every boat would wish to obtain maximum wind energy which is the source of their power. The only way they can do this is to stay ahead of the rest of the fleet where they have clean air. In going upwind, no boats would like to duck under other boats for in doing so they would lose its supply of clean air and would slow down their boat. So if you see sailing boats coming into your way in a upwind position, the appropriate course you might take would be pass through its stern or its windward side within 30 degrees from the wind direction. Passing through its stern would always be safer if you have difficulty in reading the wind direction.
8. On all the other points of sailing, try to clear of the sailing boats by going through its windward side and stay well clear from them.
9. What about if a fleet of racing boats are running around in the area. Please look out for the 3 orange marks/floating bouys. Normally, the racing boats will go around these 3 marks. One is placed in the upwind position (the windward mark) and the other one is in the down wind position ( the leeward mark )and the remaining one is somewhere in between ( the wingmark). This is called a triangular course. Racing boats will not go beyond these 3 marks. Therefore if you can stay to the outside of these 3 marks, you will be clear. If you have to go inside the racing course for some reasons, it is safer to pass through the racing boats to their windward side of the fleet.
The above may sound a bit confusing to non-wind sailors. I hope this may help to reduce the risk and frustrations of some readers.

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教


Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

Very detail explanation from sealover, thanks.

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

To 帆船友

any plan for sailing this weekend? drop mail contact if you want crews.

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

I'm a new to here, played dinghy for 2 years and interested in sailing boat, can anyone give me chances to join?my email is dikchan@hotmail.com

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

8 July 應該是Typhoon Series 2007 的 Race 5 & 6,是本地帆船界其中一個重要賽事。而牛尾海一帶又不是什麼航道(fairway)。海事處亦一早知道該處會有賽事,多年來都相安無事。在下都經常在該處遇上帆船賽事,向來都是避免進入比賽區域的。正如你行過球場,遇到有人踢波,你都唔會咁無品行入人地個場啦。出得海玩都無必要跟人爭啦,又唔係趕去送貨。但比賽的就預左出來爭,你話最好邊個讓邊個呢?即使你的船是stand on vessel又有right of the way,撞了都一樣要負責任喔。

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

Hi 帆船友,
我冇咩經驗但有興趣. How to contact? Thanks.

Re: 想搵帆船高手指教

哈, 帆船小都有興趣喎, 有無用 msn 呀? msn 傾啦.


Re: 想搵帆船高手指教
