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Radio flector

Hi gentlements, & ladies,

Pls forgive me in typing english her as my Chinese typing is super slow.... X>

Other than selling the speedboat, I am more fever in sailing, and is now refitting my sailboat. As sometime I encounter foggy weather, I am planning to add a radio reflector on her; and would like to seek your advise.

I know there are some selling in the market, but I am a DIY person that I would like to DIY myself, my current idea is to use a plastic white colour water pipe (~2-3' dia) and filled with crumped aluminium paper inside, and hang it on the backstay on my boat.

Would it be a fair/stupid idea?

Re: Radar Reflector

好耐以前英國就已經對Radar Reflector做過較深入的research ,結果令人極為不安。研究發現,在沒有船體自身的雷達特性數據前,而胡亂裝置雷達反射器的話,某些船體會得出反效果。因而增加了被撞的機會。理由是船體自身及反射器的數值會在某情況下互相抵消。這原理亦曾被利用於早期的反雷達監察系統。現時玩offshore的都會裝Radar Transponder。



Re: Radio reflector

Yes, thanks, is now studying it.

But I am not an "electronic" man, it is difficult to me.........

Some questions:
1. What is the study about the effectiveness of radio inefficiency, I can't find it on the web.

2. There are active / passive transponder, I suppose both type need power (electric)? am I right? ...... (being a NON-electric man, I wish to minimize electric as far as possbile.. :> )

3. The transponder would reflect/amplify a 2.5GHz RF signal which I am not sure it would cause any interference in HK, or violation to the law.... ( because I found from OFTA website that the 2.5GHz will be allocated to the WiMAX usage...)