40ft Cat太闊了,除非可以折件,否則一定要當散貨寄雜貨船。我看過該廠的網頁,他們只是造CE Class B的船,你最好自己搵間大保險公司,問問Class B船從泰國自駕回來是否受保或需要什麼附加設備,如Category A equipment。如果你將來都唔會經常玩offshore,咁玩一次要買多好多o野又係唔係值得呢?即使Class A 40ft Cat的fuel tank 都唔夠你從泰國返港用。Passage planing和如何keep radio contact就好重要了,最好還加裝太陽能板和inverter,有起事來都多樣power在手。你還有成年時間,最好參加一次offshore race,你便會知道如何評估風險(去定唔去)。不要最信Delivery Skipper,如有疑惑,你有權say no的。你識得越多,佢就越難出古惑。但水平線的另一邊總是好吸引的。
I bought a 40ft LOA by 21ft BOA catamaran from Australia and have it shipped to the US on a container ship. The boat builder welded two 22ft I-beams on top of an open top container to form a cradle. My boat was then strapped on the I-beam cradle which was locked on to the container below. The whole thing was 3 containers wide and one container long.
I went to Australia to do an extensive sea trial (highly recommended to familiarized with the boat and correct minor problems) before the factory de-commissioned the boat and prepared it for shipping. Upon arrival in the US, the factory sent a delivery captain to do the commission of the boat.
I also recommend that you hire your own surveyor to inspect the boat several times during construction of your boat.