Wearing the school uniform to go to school in Grenada was an important thing for the children. The Ministry of Education made it compulsory, for each child to wear a uniform every day, to attend school.
The children didn't mind the wearing of a uniform to school, because it showcased them as school children on their way to and from school, and distinguished them as a student from one of the many different schools that were in their city or town. Their uniforms were well kept, and looked beautiful on them all the time. No one had ever thought that any of the different school uniforms were the ugliest out of them all. There were different color uniforms worn by the children when they were going to school but, under any circumstances, that wasn't a problem at all.
The children's focus was in learning rather than dressing up.elegantly, while trying to achieve their academic goal. That goal was vital to their future, when they would've needed their yesterday to lead them to a most decorous life today. They understood it well, and did every thing they could've done to undeniable place themselves in the tomorrow's world.
Unlike some of the other countries, especially the industrialized ones, where the school children were dressed up daily, in many different kinds of brand-named clothes, and lipstick on their lips, eye-shadow around their eyes, and expensive earrings, and make up on their faces, the children in Grenada were happy in their school uniforms, which were made mostly by the local seamstress and tailors around the various towns and suburbs where they lived.
Besides, the children going to school with a school uniform was just as important for their parents, as it was with them going to school with their text books in the bookbags. Children came from every direction, looking unique in their school uniforms, that reflected the school they were attending. It was easy to distinguish which school a child had belonged to, by the uniform they wore.
In every parish in Grenada, there are many Elementary schools. Most of them were Roman Catholic Schools. Coming secondin line are the Anglican Schools, followed by the Government Schools. There is also a Methodist School in Grenville, St. Andrew's. Secondary Schools were in every parish too!
Most schools in Grenada wore a different uniform. In the Parish of St. John's, the Anglican School in Gouyave wears the same uniform as the Grand Roy and the Concord Government School. The St. John's Roman Catholic School uniform defers from the Florida Government School. Then,, The St. John's Christian Secondary School uniform is totally different from The St. Rose ModernSSecondary School, both in color and style. I'd loved seeing the female students from the St. Rose Modern Secondary School, in the uniquely made uniform. It was the best looking school uniform, after the uniform that was worn by the students from The St. Joseph's Convent in Grenville, St. Andrew's.
And, I'd loved seeing the students from The Mother Rose School in St. George's in the uniforms.
St. George's were crammed with school. The fmous Grenada BuysSSecondary School,.the Presentation Boy's College, the Anglican High School, the St. Joseph's Convent, and the Bernardette Bailey Secondary were well established among the numerous elementary schools that were there. Children from all over Grenada, went to the City of st. George's to attend school. They were exposed to new things that were unknown in the countryside where they came from. But their education was first and foremost on their minds.
The pride and joy that came from seeing the school children dressed up in the school uniforms were beyond comprehension of any one's imagination. It was one of the most attractive sights to see. Long live the school uniforms that we'd in Grenada, and the children who wore them. One could never easily get it out of the mind, even after so many years of seeing it. Those were some of the best years that helped to shape the imminent of our doctors, and lawyers, and teachers, and magistrates, and bankers, and much more.