The Ballad of Precocious Aloysius and Boo Sang K (2nd instalment) 3 Precocious Aloysius fed his snake Which grew and grew and grew Safety measures he refused to take Precautions he failed at too 4 Precocious Aloysius loved his snake He’d grown attached to it Not for him a duck or drake Only Boo Sang K would fit 5 Precocious Aloysius hid his snake From all who’d want to know Even from his best friend Jake As Boo Sang K continued to grow
The Ballad of Precocious Aloysius and Boo Sang K (3rd instalment) 6 Precocious Aloysius took his snake With him, to school, with hope Cunningly, he sought to fake Boo Sang K disguised as rope 7 Precocious Aloysius rolled up his snake And lent it to Althea and Fay He loaned to them at lunch break So they could skip and play 8 Precocious Aloysius left his snake As Althea held it’s tail And pretty Fay was forced to take It’s head secured with finger nail 9 The girls skipped gaily for an hour But Boo Sang K had a seizure It’s head went rigid and dour It’s tail went into rapture
The Ballad of Precocious Aloysius and Boo Sang K (4th instalment) 10 The girls they dropped the snake And fled with all displeasure All for fear and panic sake Caused Althea and Fay’s departure 11 Precocious Aloysius saw his snake As it crawled away to munch Then sneaked up close to Mrs Blake While she enjoyed her lunch 12 Precocious Aloysius watched his snake As it twisted round and round The sturdy legs of Mrs Blake Then teacher collapsed on the ground 13 Precocious Aloysius stared at his snake As it carried away his teacher Some pupils thought she earned her cake For being an eager beater
The Ballad of Precocious Aloysius and Boo Sang K (Final instalment) 14 Precocious Aloysius rued his snake Now everyone feared for their soul Boo Sang K left panic in it’s wake As it swallowed the teacher whole 15 Precocious Aloysius searched for his snake All through the alley-ways and lanes While Boo Sang K ravished Mrs Blake And promptly vomited her bones 16 Precocious Aloysius and his snake Became the stuff of legend, people say At every lunch time during the break They could hear a hissing Boo Sang K 17 Precocious Aloysius now lost his snake Boo Sang K sounds the final death knell A fire-breathing dragon it did make And now guards the Gates of Hell Arnie Steele