Re: Not all doom and gloom, Some of our students are doing well
Great, i am so happy to see that. We could see even better results, if our best students are allowed to go to schools in their parishes. This system that is in place with the common entrance results is horrible, and it is time to stop it.
After the common entrance results are announced, the top students are sent to either G.B.S.S., P.B.C, St. Joseph convent or Anglican high school, then the rest is Divided up among the other schools. Almost all the time our smartest students don't go to school at home. No wonder you always hear about P.B.C, G.b.S.S, Anglican high ect., because they get the cream of the crop from all over the country. Most of the times,the students who make these school great, do not come from there.
Seems like this system is in place to maintain status quo, they do not care about the burden they put on some of these poor parents, who have to find lunch money and bus money for these students every day.
Re: Not all doom and gloom, Some of our students are doing well
I may be wrong and can be corrected but I was under the impression that it went as follows and I believe this is the case:
Students, regardless of parish, can put in for their high school of choice, wherever these may be located, before the elementary school exams. Student or/and parents would have reviewed which schools are doing the best islandwide...I suppose the results of the last previous CXC exams help to determine that. The student who has done best in the exams gets to the high school of his or her choice which will probably be the one that is deemed to have the best students' results. Of course, if the parent wants the child to remain on home turf, regardless of whether this is town or countryside, the first choice will be available to the child according to results. I do not think the children who have done the best are forced to attend schools like PBC, AHS, St. Joseph's Convent etc.
Congratulations to the children listed by Arthur who have done exceedingly well. When you succeed it helps your school's reputation and will bring students who also wish to succeed to your school in the following years - after all if you did it then so could they. I wish you good luck and continued success.
Re: Not all doom and gloom, Some of our students are doing well
sorry my bad, but was under the impression the longest while, that the government was the ones placing students in schools, because every time i saw the results, always see the top students going to one of these schools. Thought for the longest while that they were been placed there. So the question is are they getting a better education at g.b.s.s or Anglican high school than st. rose modern secondary school or Schaper? and if the answer is yes, then why?
Re: Not all doom and gloom, Some of our students are doing well
Congrats to all the Future educators from (gouyave) Grenada. Hope you take advantage of all that's being offered to all of you. May your future be great