Free yourself from stress and worry.
Shun negative vibes; life is too short for that.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you and instill hope.
Avoid vain and worthless chatter.
Meditate and concentrate on that which edifies and uplifts your spirit.
Work diligently on important projects you have been putting off or neglecting.
Forget the past, it is gone but learn all you can from it.
Resist temptation that will drag you down to the gutter.
Ignore angry and ignorant people whose aim is to ruffle your spirit.
Remain calm even in the midst of harsh criticism, chaos and confusion.
Take a minute or two to meditate so the body and spirit will be in harmony.
Pause, think, believe! The problems that you face today can be solved without getting yourself all worked up.
Remember, silence is often the best answer.
Share the joy that bubbles within you for “love is not perfected until it is shared.”
Willingly give what you can to those in need and those who show appreciation.
Exercise faith for faith can move mountains.
Laugh when you can, it is medicine to the soul.
Seek the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.
Pray for protection from evil and for those who are sick or are mourning the loss of loved ones.
Forget the mistakes you made yesterday and make a fresh start today
If today does not bring you joy, remember, this day too, will pass.
Remember also, the goodness of your family, your friends and the kindness of strangers.
Do not forget where you came from.
That which you cannot change, you must leave in the hands of the Almighty.
Instead of worrying, say a little prayer for prayer is a mighty force.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life
You are alive today, it is not by chance
The Creator wants you here.
Many slipped away last night
But you are still above the ground.
Peace! Reach out and give someone a spiritual nudge.
God Bless you .
Anthony Wendell DeRiggs.