Re: Nurse, what time is my portion of rum, and fresh beef? : And don’t be rude to me!
Lady G,
You will be amazed to learn that the sentiments quoted from the inquiry officer's 1850 report continue to this very day in the health care delivery environment for over one and a half century now and would forever continue as the two contending opinions to hospital management seem to border on the emotional vis a vis the practical approach.
My years as an Administrator in that field were faced with this exact sentiment and played out more vigorously in negotiations with contracted skilled providers whose responsibilities to their patients extend far beyond the financial aspects of hospital solvency that restrict us, hence creating an oblivious opinion in regards to the emotional and psychological aspects towards healing.
This, in my opinion, points to the very nature of men as opposed to women where the blue print (if you will) of the latter group gives them an advantageous opportunity of providing a more holistic approach to healing with the application of their caring techniques that are so lacking in men. As such, the observation that made way for the quote. .... "A man may be a good surgeon, but totally unfit to conduct a hospital" may in fact be well founded in 1850 but may be lacking in practicality for a 21st. century aproach to "opening that can of worms", particularly as women have advanced to become Surgeons themselves.