Soca song 2015 : we no 'fraid no power that mas' me name over, so throw your powder!
I watched a few minutes of Mr Killa video posting – thank you. And, I watched only a few minutes, of the winning 2014 soca song on the YouTube website. The message of morality behind the winning soca song, was very transparent - we want mor’ or better roads, and I am sure when Carnival is over, the Minister for Transport will seek more money to improve the roads in Trinidad and other neighbouring islands. So hats off and respect to the soca extraordinaire Machel Montano, crisp and communal motivated carnival song. Machel Montano, video of his sexy carnival dancers, is enough to put anyone in the soca tropical spiritual frame of dancing mind.
Mr Killa message of morality from my perspective was written against the present ‘societal’ norm of obesity, exercise and appropriate eating - all respect to Mr Killa for his song supporting the societal ‘roly poly’ ladies – on the contrary Mr Killa had a lovely ‘kill for non-roly poly’ masculine frame, sorry Mr Killa, as a humble layperson, who is totally on your side, I think the supporting artistes let you down, even the woman coming out of the ‘baggagecheck’ box, should of dressed ‘appropriately more carnival’ - with coconut fronds or whatever, covering the bare necessities, after all its is - Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..nivaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll – to bring down every brick in the house, as the ‘roly poly’ mental imagination goes into ‘soca’ overdrive!
So judging by what I heard on the video, as a sheer beginner to soca composing, I am expecting to hit the big time, my pending soca song may be just what the judges and soca singers are waiting for in 2015!
Here is a rough draft of the first two verse of my own ‘pending’ soca carnival 2015 song (with an idea flowing from VLLouison post)…… maybe I will send it to both Mr Killa and Machel Montano……
We got a name for this, we got name for that
But oh God, what’s me name,
I want more accessory to my ancestry
Somebody tell me, somebody tell me
(We) no 'fraid no power that 'mas me name over
(We) no 'fraid no power that 'mas me name over
Somebody find out, me ancestry
To take me out of me misery
We go jump it up, we go shake it up
We go dig it up, we go check dot com
We go jump it up, we go shake it up
We go dig it up, we go dig it up, we go check dot com
Out of the history.
we have a name for this and and name for that
but Oh God, what's me name.
So, throw your powder, O God,to mas’ me name over
for we ‘fraid no power, that ‘mas it over
we 'fraid no power, that mas' me name over
Throw your powder to mas me name over
For we ‘fraid no power that ‘mas it over
And take me out of me misery
as we try to find our ancestry.
We go jump it up, and we shake it up
We go dig it up, we go check dot com
We go jump it up and we go shake it up
So, throw your powder, to mas' me name over
So, throw your powder,
we have a name for this and name for that
so throw your powder to mas' me name over.
so throw your powder, Oh God and mas' me name over,
and mas' me name over, mas'me name over........
(Copyright 2014– no permission to use any contents: written by Lady Genevieve Jourdaine S.)
Lord, thank you for your gifts of creativity which are renewed every morning with your great love for mankind, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Re: Soca song 2015 : we no 'fraid no power that mas' me name over, so throw your powder!
Well Lady G,
It seems like Mr.Killer's performance had an impact on you more than any one of us could but thanks for showing us your "lighter side". I must admit that it took me by ssurprise hence the Lol you heard ringing in your ear.
Regarding your potential 2015 soca, I think you may have some issues with the T n T judges regarding the theme of your soca lyrics because our own Grenadian Sister, Ms. Ella Andall who hails from Hermitage(I stand corrected on this)St. Andtews and went on to become one of the best female artist in Trinidad had preceded yours by some fourteen years with her "Say my name". And instead of crowning you, they may repeat their 1960's error (between Sparrow and Bomber)by "taking the crown from one Grenadian and placing it on a next one head"
Still, I can see Tony DeCoteau ( or is it DeCoteux or DeCorteaux)doing a Rolly-Polly any day over a slow chip with "Thelma Ohhhhhh, Thelma pu#-pu#.