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'Mother' closure : Mendel genetics ratio is 3:1 - is this ratio applicable to 'Mother' closure?

It is seemingly unlikely that no one is able to move away or bring any form of closure from 'Mother', be it permanent or temporary closure, as the constitution laid down by 'Mother' runs in the 'unnatural' genes of the colonial nations and its peoples, (some more than others). Mendel genetics runs in the ratio of 3:1, so even if three folks seek closure, one folk will ponder on the still applicable constitutional genes laid down by 'Mother'.

On a ratio degree of reflectiveness, some folks did not take on or had access to any of the available benefits of 'Mother' somewhat to their own peril or perils, I followed by own natural father advice, .....take whatever Mother has to offer you.....and don't run by but calmly walk on by, and use it (whatever it is) to enter any doors of seemingly new opportunities.

And this Mother with her metamorphosing features, may be able to exit or enter any doors of 'closure' - for even 'Mother' matter - bless her - so do I hear a shout, that 'Every 'Mother' matters' ....oh boy its gone all quiet!!!

Re: 'Mother' closure : Mendel genetics ratio is 3:1 - is this ratio applicable to 'Mother' closu

Lady G,

In the case of using Mendel's Genetics Ratio of 3:1 to measure our decision to provide closure to the subject of our talkshop conversation; as we say, this may be a case where the "situation found the statistics laying comfortably in its sample frame; looked at it and determined that indeed, it bears a stark resemblance of itself”.

But In keeping with that theme, the Normal Distribution as exemplified by the Gaussian Theory or (The Bell Curve) is just as applicable, if we were to look at our talkshop personality responses to topics. As with the case of Bell's Measures of Central Tendencies (the Mean, Median and Mode), most responders it can be said, take up the characteristics of either one or all three element.

The "Mean" those who immediately captures the essence of the topic and provides a positional post that falls towards the right of its center.

The “Median” those responses that are “gauginly” neither left nor right but has a central theme of agreement hence more closer than further away from the mean.

The “Mode”, those responses that regularly touch on several factors without a summation of any one factor.

But what is also quite astonishing is that even in our talkshop conversations, the impact of the "Outlier", though never centrally located (in its conformity to the central tendency towards that Mean) can still impact those that are closer to it and is felt, even while carefully taking its rightful place, far away from center. In fact, its impact on the entire distribution would take up a new interpretational dimension if only it could be bought back to further skew the outcome of the other elements.

In my statistical observation of our talkshop, you Lady G seems to be playing the role in that most enviable Outlier position; presumably, it is because you are cognoscente that a weighted distribution of your impact may have to be performed much to the behest of the other elements and in order to avoid a confrontational fallout, prefers to remain comfortably in that role.

But as with every outlier, Lady G, it too loses its focus by default and forces the Statistician to provide a conclusion that recognizes only the clustering of the other elements. This of course, robs the interpreter of the single “element of impact” which only the Outlier can provide and when taken into consideration, can sway the conclusion one way or the other.

This, in my opinion, is the most significant element of the distribution. However, from a purely tactical survivalist and protectionist point of view, it gives new meaning to the phrase “not running with the herd” but robs it from the more central element of purpose which is, the continuity of the herd’s survival.


'Mother' closure : Mendel genetics ratio is 3:1 - is this ratio applicable to 'Mother' closure?

Vernon, thank you for your well articulated and versed used of the Normal Distribution to measure post authors contributions, I feel rather baffled as to whether the Normal Distribution curve is the best statistical model to measure or assess analytically a Talkshop forum conversation/discussion, of course, one is aware that this statistical model may cover a wide range of statistical applications, I recall using this statistical model for measuring say student's height and weight, yearly rainfall etc.(with the 'skewed' effect).

Also, does my 'enviable' position, take into account 'the standard deviation' concept? It would be nice to see your calculated values?

I am sure research analysis methods with regard to measuring asynchronous discussion forums contributions may involve some interaction-based coding statistical method, for example the use of say identifiable categories, then maybe the percentage calculation of sentences in the post, to which the Normal distribution curve may then have some form of applicability?

I think the problem with statistical applications is always to keep it simple, and remember the bulk of the PhD students tend to devised their own/or amend/or modified other models to suit their own research.

Folks, can anyone devise/modify/amend: 'an interaction-based coding' model for the GoGouyave Forum?

Re: 'Mother' closure : Mendel genetics ratio is 3:1 - is this ratio applicable to 'Mother' closu

Vernon and Lady G, for those of us of feeble minds, who were not able to strut through the lofty halls of academia, and therefore can barely comprehend any dissertation above the level of seveth standard, 'thanks Mutha', it appears from your scholarship, that you are indeed poster children for Mutha's legacy of primary education, flawed as it may be.

That Mutha's DNA runs through our post Colonial psyche is unquestionable. It has gone even further than that. Maybe 100% of Grenadians now have relatives who are bona fide British Citizens living in the UK, and even more than that, now have children and grandchildren inbred with Mutha's own fair haired boys and girls.Mutha is now we 'close family'.

And there is a parallel between the expectation that Mutha should give us her best, and that the Grenadia Government should FIX Gouyave for us. While several of my proposals required Government involvement, last time l looked , all residents of the Gardens, were handed the keys to the place by the landlords, among them voters from St Johns.

As for access to the elected officials, the Grenadian Media is awash with political pundits, talking heads, and activists of every stripe, claiming to hail from the Guava State, try them.