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"It Is About Now So" When The Well of DNJ Had Run Dried

The old axiom that says "you never missed the water till the well runs dry" has occasionally come back to remind us of our own folly when we ignore the contributions of others in valuing the importance of our lives. Those intervals in our culture that provide us with a respite to free our minds from our daily routine and give us time to reminisce about life's pleasurable moments and painful experiencs, is our way of taking an inventory of who we really are as individuals. It brings us into focus on our awareness of self as seen through the lenses of others and gives us an opportunity of introspection in order to make adjustments as we move along the path of our journey.

For me, this Christmas spirit that is upon us in our talkshop, brings back the memories and writings of no other than our own Daniel, Nathan Joseph, with his sobriquet, DNJ. Had he been around, DNJ would have been reminding us all of the use of that phrase "about now so" and what it really meant in our Gouyave culture, particularly around this time of Christmas.

For those of you who cling to 'Mother's language' and forgot the influences of our Grand Mothers' 'Mother', the phrase 'about now so' is part of our conscripted English phraseologies, used to determine the specificity of a time continuum of an activity and to fret the "Mother Queen" for her 'subject connotation'.....LoL if you must but DNJ would have found it most fitting to remind us of what would have been happening about now so in our Gouyave.

He would have said:

It is about now so, the Postman would be making his delivery of the mail, stuffed with the Pound and US notes or the notification that the boxes and barrels sent by our expatriates in Mother and Uncle's country have arrived.

It is about now so, when children would "declare themselves millionaires" for having more than five dollars in their pockets to spend as they wish. "Oh Lord!" you could hear them say,"we have money for so!".

It is about now so, the Linoleum for the new floor-covering would have been bought and many a Mothers could be seen carrying it on their heads with pride for the beginning of the Christmas festivities.

It is about now so, you could have head the noises of the Singer Sewing Machines of Ms. Eliana, Ms. Wolma, Ms. Lee, Ms. Leslyn and Ms. Frisca as they peddled their way until the weee hours of the morning making the new Window curtains for their customers.

It is about now so, the "messages" would have been made after word had been spread that the Salted Ham could be found in the shops of Mr. Donald Mc. Intyre, Mr. Willie Peters, Mr. Frank Dabreo Mr. LA Purcel and Mr. Peter Bhola.

It is about now so, the lines could be seen purchasing the "raw cloth" at Ms. Duncan, Ms. Defratas and Ms. Hennie.

It is about now so, Mr. Claud Francis of Bata Shoe Store would announce that he has a shortage of shoe sizes but has an abundance of a smaller or larger sizes.....lol

It is about now so, the Sorrel, Ginger Beer and Mauby would be brewed and bottles, some blowing their lids as they fermented in their hidden locations, away from the prying eyes of the children.

It is about now so, when the union of beef and pork would be joined in a matrimonial alliance to complement the rice and Pigeon Peas, the Dasheen, ripe Plantain, Bush Yam, a hefty slice of Pear/zabuca (Avocado for the more sophisticated) and Crab and Callalou.

It is about now so, the rolls of Caps would be fitted in the toy guns for the boys to play their "ganga-gang".

It is about now so, the children would be at their best behavior (answering to every edict with a "yes! Mammy") in anticipation of going to the 4:00 PM Matinee Downstreet at Burnapart theater where Tazan, Shane or Geronimo would be playing.

It is about now so, when the Dry Cell Batteries for the radio would have arrived at Mr. Mills.

It was sbout now so, where the aroma of Kush-kush perfume would fill the air as the young girls can be seen in their Accordian Pleted dresses/Skirts, all dressed up to attend church.

It is about now so, when the echos of Gingle Bells, Noel-noel, Oh Holy Night, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Drink ah Rum and ah Puncha Crema and the Venezulian genre of Parang, with the Quartro and Banjo playing "ah want ah piece ah pork for me Christmas" or "Someting soit to put in me muhit".

It is about now so, when we would missed the "water of DNJ" because the well in our Gogouyave Talkshop has run dry.


Re: "It Is About Now So" When The Well of DNJ Had Run Dried

HEY VERNON read right through your imitation of DNJ (LOL) your so right,about everything that would of go on in GOUYAVE,in OUR days,but am sorry that's distance now,BUT its so nice and interested that one of our talkshopper can go back and relate the goings on that was happening in OUR days in GOUYAVE THANKS for the MEMORIES, HOPE MERRY XMAS.

Re: "It Is About Now So" When The Well of DNJ Had Run Dried


l know it is only the nostalgia that still remains, particularly among us expatriates who cannot separate ourselves from those moments because indeed, they were good times.

I jokingly tell my children that "poverty breeds creativity" and in order to experience that Christmas feeling, they must be poor and living in the Caribbean...Lol

Nice memories, especially those of your Mum (RIP) who btw, is my God Mother.

A Merry Christmas to you and your family also.


Re: "It Is About Now So" When The Well of DNJ Had Run Dried

miss my friend DNJ. I remember Christmas when Mr Lionel Banfield used to have us practicing carols. We used to get on the bus and go to grenville and other places. I remembered a Christmas we went to Victoria and we went to this lady's house, she gave us 25 cents each. we were happy because she came from America. A few days later this woman came to my grandmother's house and we were shocked to see each other. She was a friend of my father and she wanted to meet us. Those were the good old days. Merry Christmas to all and a happy New Year.

Re: "It Is About Now So" When The Well of DNJ Had Run Dried

HEY merle I think the tradition of singing Christmas carols in d early mornings before XMAS still exist(Not sure thou)but I witness it a few years back and it was not as joyful and loud as the golden oldies days (LOL) I bet u want to go back to those early YEARS (Wishful Thinking LOL, HOPE u have a wonderful XMAS and Family,