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Re: Good memories/Tony de couteau

Thank you Sam. Blood of Belvedere is also a fabulous book. Btw, what does 9/10 mean?

Re: Good memories/Tony de couteau

It means Tony that out of ten marks or ok from 100 marks i give 100
why ? your personality counts. congrats

Re: Good memories/Tony de couteau

Sam, it seems like you know me. I wish I could say the same.

Re: Good memories/Tony de couteau

Well tony I uses to blog here quite a lot and I never get any hostile reaction from you here I always find that your tone are always moderate. Oconel a friend of a good friend knows you well although I never spoken to him more than twice but I think your name may have been pop up and it's was a good atmosphere. I almost finish read your book and I think it's excellent . One think though I saw a mistake in paragraph 2 page 172 lol. I really enjoy your book and you should keep on writing also I can relate to most of your story