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gouyave river tittiri

me old dadee knowed ah lot about the titiri from the gobi fish it go back to the bushhiree where it born to lay eggs, now ah remember me old daddee say the fish know the exact bushhiree it doesnot go to any bushhieree. Yes people use to fry them but in those days the rivers wer good, and the gobi fishes come back at the time for eggs laying. not like some of them now, people throwing things and all rubbish in the bushherie, the gobi wont come what people expect just do wnat their want and not care for the river.

so i think if the gobi fishs get to the busherree and the water smell is not the right one, the gobi fish doesnot go in the bushherie.ah really feel sorry for the fish from the gouyuave bushiree its a sad sad thing. at my 80 years old ah nevah heard this up to now. All fish need a lot of water so if water lvel is low, fish may just go away.

me old dadee would of tell you all about the titirii it only go a good way up the river it does not go the start for some river or ravine go underthe ground and come out again

really i dont kno if the river in gouyave will have them again you see if they canot lay eggs i suppoose they goes dont come back becacuse they ccan only go to the place of bushherie whay they born.

so if you go somewhere everyway dirty and they dont let you in you may go another time and the same thing what will youdo you go away and dont go back same like titri. the only way is to clean up the river bushiree but as i said the gobi fish only go to wher they born it is very sad to hear all this thing i hope they clean up the bushriee river