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Gogouyave turn 11

Another year is here, it’s time for celebrations, gogouyave.com turns 11 years old.

Three times hacked/spam attacks but we are here against all odds providing a pathway for Gouyave on the global net.

We could not have reached here without the initial work of David Duncan, Michael Jessamy, Henry Duncan and then, Keville Frederick, Leon Decoteau, Roger Gilbert and my son, Greig St. John.

To Mikey Passee, Tony Decoteau and ALL other foundation members, THANKS!!
Looking forward to many more years

Bringing GOUYAVE to the WORLD, click by click!!

Re: Gogouyave turn 11

CONGRATS, to the gogouyave website,on reaching the ripe age of 11yrs. long time going,although having lost a lot of die hard gossipers,some has gone to RIP,some has just prefer to just stay away,some has just prefer to observe,some has just prefer to just read,some has just prefer to brango now and then,but hoping and praying things (MIGHT)come back to normal(LOL) Although not many persons from gouyave choose to gossip on d site,I wonder Y, JUSt MY TAKE

Re: Gogouyave turn 11

Congratulations Bro, on a job well done.
Without Gogouyave.com there are many, many things we would not have known or achieved.
Your contribution to the Gouyave community is unrivaled. I truly admire your drive and fortitude in keeping the Gouyave name on the tongue of the World.

True love and respect to a True Gouyaveman.


Re: Gogouyave turn 11

2nd attempt to post

Congratulations gogouyave!

Thanks Arthur!

Re: Gogouyave turn 11

Congratulations to gogouyave.com on your 11 years birthday. Through all the growing pains and ups and downs you still survive just like a true Gouyave product.

Thanks to everyone who helped in any small way to make this possible! Looking forward to have the gallery up again.

Thanks Arthur for your vision and hard work in providing a connection for us to stay in touch with home.

Blessings to all.