V, i didnt plan on continuing the discussion on the nicknames, re obituaries, but for clarity let me state AGAIN. I DO NOT manufacture Obituaries/ Death Announcements, i am always EMAILED by the AGENCY or the BEREAVED! In some cases, when i see mistakes/typo, I DONT NOT EDIT. let me educate folks for those that dont know the procedures.
When someone dies
*Funeral Home of choice is called and remains are picked up, BASIC information of the dead is collected onsite.
*Next day, family member/person who is paying, goes to the FUNERAL HOMES with MORE details(up until that time, no announcement is made).
*Funeral Home receives information for announcement, the "client chooses on which TV and radio they want the announcement broadcasted(prices are set).
* There are some families that request...........NO ANNOUNCEMENT OR NO VIEWING then i get the notice not to post( recently a calypsoian died and requested, No announcement on radio or tv. his daughter sent me a picture of him to do a facebook tribute.
* a photo and "pending announcement" are given.
* Days after, details of next of kin and funeral date are GIVEN BY THE person incharge. The annoucement moves from pending to full announcement.
* Very often, there are edits/ changes BY THE FAMILY MEMBER RESPONSIBLE. La Qua or any agency CANNOT and WILL NOT make changes, add name on their own. EVERY NAME MENTIONED IN THE OBITS ARE GIVEN BY THE FAMILY.
Finally, i give you an example, 3 weeks ago, i received an obituary and posted it, the person had a NICKNAME, however, I THINK it was a TYPO by the person submitting it, they had an "a" instead of an "i" in the person's name. EVERYONE of his friend and relatives who post condolences spell it correctly, I DID NOT CHANGE THE TYPO MADE BY THE FAMILY EVEN THOUGH I SAW THE MISTAKE. it is still there for all to see. IT SIMPLY NOT MY PLACE TO MAKE CHANGES to people information, they will have too.......I REST MY CASE
I opened up a new thread simply as a direct response back to Down Street for fretting me and not because of any desire to prolong the discussion. I understood from your first response that you are on the ball with ensuring that your " i's" are dotted and "t's" crossed. My concerns are for those who may not be aware of your efforts and may want to "force me to sell me little Pre-cut Janet house and lend you the money for Lawyer fee, so you doh have to make ah gaol"....Lol
He he he he he, Nahhhh, you doh have to sell nutting. If push comes to shove.........i will do as Gawker or Trump and file for bankruptcy. (Even in Grenada, dat wont work)
Nahhhh, i did take any offence to you i just went the extra mile to lay out the procedures. What gives in NA does not apply here. Actually, people make confusion for their names to be included on the announcements. Some years ago, a play was put on by a theater company, "the Burial of Miss Faithlyn" where one family member didnt hear her name called out, made confusion, "ah paying me money, put down me namethe point i wish to get accross, is that anything you see in an announcement come form the family.
Another example, Miss Mitchell(near the pasture), Wilan's mother died, he called me to inform me about her death, yet it wasnt posted until today. I waitied until La Qua sent it to me. I just dont know what arrangement the family made, until it is sent to me. Merry Christmas.......is it here yet??
Oh Gawd, allu please leave the dead people alone. They are not preparing to take an exam (dowm dey) They won't be hearing the nick name. They lived with it, so they die with it. That's my say.
I don't understand why allyu so desperate to cease this hugely interesting thread. I am trapped here in the far north of England with very little relief from rain, cold, mist, fog and noisy grandchildren. This is the only light relief I get!
Arthur, I just want to tell you that when I shuffle off this mortal coil you should have no qualms about publishing on this esteemed site any names my dear children chose to reveal to you.
He he he he he, ah know right!! So, do i have permission to add "aka mangodog"? ha ha ha ha....put it in writing eh. DWL
Well papi, you up in the bush. When you see my sister Juliet, tell her hi for me. I havent been able to call her for the pass two months. My phone system is down but hopefully a new one will be installed this weekend. Enjoying your Huddersfield weather?
Good day to all , welcome back Vernon. I had a good laugh this morning when I open the website and looked at the new reply's from Vernon's piece yesterday. I was itching to reply yesterday but decided to lay low until this morning, Finally we will have closure on this issue and what a great discussion it was, Arthur I see that Vernon has raised his white flag in agreement with your point of view, I salute him here. Arthur keep up the good work and remember is "so we dey, it's a Grenadian ting, Ah gone".
Frenchman, I opened this thread seeking your take and Arthur's take on the subject and I got them. Thank you for your insightful response, your vocabulary like your reasoning, was impeccable as always, even if English was not the Frenchman's "franca lingua" as we say Down Street.
And speaking of Downstreet, we had no intent of making the natives restless, we were simply making an observation, which somehow brought out the defense squad. Of course I had no idea that this topic was debated on the site before, since I am only an occasional visitor.
Again I welcome the cogent clarity which you brought to the topic, and for that I think that we should share an eights of Rivers on the L'anse bridge one evening.Not sure if it would be wise to venture further North.