I am at a loss to fathom the European appetite, for the mayhem inflicted upon their societies by the terrorists. This underscores how reckless Merkel's open door policies towards the refugees really is, and how dangerous open borders can be.
I have my own solutions to the problem, whats your take?
MY TAKE downstreet,my sympathy to the breaved,and the DECEASED may they rest in Peace,AS with you and me Downstreet this Type of Killing will never be Totally Radicated,Only a lull,and the actions will soon Rise Again,(I SAY PEACE PEOPLE WHOEVER AND WHEREVER YOU ARE.) MY TAKE.
>>>>>>> I am at a loss to fathom the European appetite, for the mayhem inflicted upon their societies by the terrorists. This underscores how reckless Merkel's open door policies towards the refugees really is, and how dangerous open borders can be.
I have my own solutions to the problem, whats your take?<<<<<
This ill-fated attempt at creating some semblance of economic equilibrium among the proEU countries through the open border policy adopted by the "bleeding heart, Angela" may indeed become the Achilles Heel of her administration. With the opening of this flood gate, comes with the arrival of all the disruptive elements (religious, cultural and political vendettas, to name a few) designed to create social unrest which may lead to political destabilization of the union.
Pardoning my attempt at the use of salacious phraseology that was influenced by noted West Indian Poet and Noble Lauriate, Derek Walcott's poem "The Mongoose", (dedicated to the admonishment of his colleague, V.S. Niapaul, another Noble Lauriate) Agela seems deserving of a good lash! for exposing Europe to this trechery.
It seems that Merkel's "open door" takes a position within the context, best described as the equivalent of an intercourse with the notorious Marque de Sarde, and with a description of her desire to be satisfied, as the rest of Europe feels the brunt of the pain.
Since the coronation of "Queen Merkel", Europe "had been had" and with no protective suit to guard them from who is coming...... to their shores, that is. So the fruits of Angela's effort that were borne from that union with the rest of Europe's leaders, they would eventually spill the blood of their afterbirth on all and soundry, while Europe wrestle to lay claim to their Fatherhood. Brexit decision to discontinue any intercourse with Merkel was the first admittance that these terrorists are not their children.
But on point, we may be witnessing the unraveling/deterioration of the once cherished European culture (that depicted modern civilization)into a hot bed that is now conducive to violence and terrorism. And to the extent that this disruption continues to fester, the entire Union would be at their mercy, so too would be the sociopolitical, economical and cultural establishment. If on the other hand, any country within the EU decides to close its borders, it can quickly lead to chaos and a dissolution of the union.
So Angella's opening has given new meaning to the phrase describe as being in a uncompromising position of " between a rock and a hard place". Her popularity in Deutsch land, she may well be enjoying but the honeymoon is ending with a fait accompli; the bloody evidence the likes of what we have seen in Turkey, Belgium, Yemen, Iraq and now, in Nice. The French should send a message to Angela saying that her utopian idea of a unified Europe is just too bloody for their liking but a signal like this would be interpreted as one of secession; the economic fallout lurking not too far behind.
So now begins the hard work; the dilemma of containing these mutants that are now within. Should the good Franch people position themselves to be the "Guinea Pigs" of another experimentation of Angella's? Or should the union take what may now be considered as an unprecedented step to curb the influx of these murderous beasts?
I just hope your solutions are draconian enough to filter our communities and not be held hostage by our need to privacy at the behest of those needed to stay alive.
You can always go to one of your church on Sunday to confess your sins, hopefully they would be of the venial variety...lol
>>>>>>I just hope your solutions are draconian enough to filter our communities and not be held hostage by our need to privacy at the behest of those needed to stay alive.
You can always go to one of your church on Sunday to confess your sins, hopefully they would be of the venial variety...lol<<<<<<<
French, you are a man of letters, poetry and prose,we are discovering, seems like "Mutha" bestowed her many gifts upon you, during your adolescence,which imbued you with a thirst for knowledge, and laid a proper foundation upon which to build your considerable intellectual skills.Your analysis and reasoning is spot on, I couldn't have stated it better myself.
Notwithstanding all the complicated scenarios spewed out by the talking heads and illuminati, on the subject of Islamic terrorism, I am flabbergasted that the powers that be, do not view this growing threat to Western Civilization, through the prism of an infectious disease. Over the years, from the Plague, to Ebola, those charged with ensuring the safety and continuation of the Human race on this planet, have learnt to deal effectively with outbreaks of viruses. Isolate, Insulate, and inject massive doses of antiviral or anti biotics, until the threat is eradicated.
The open door to Islamists is counter intuitive to a proper solution to the problem. I have been waiting for years for a no-fly zone to be established in Syria, under the auspices of Nato or the UN, and a safe zone carved out to which the refugees could flee for safety and humanitarian aid.From such a base Pressure could be brought to bear on Assad, ISIS, and any of the other bad actors within Syria. Interdiction of overloaded watercraft in the Mediterranean cannot be that big a deal, especially if a similar beachhead is established on Libyan Coast. Free phone calls to those who crossed the Sahara, and a ride back home,with the message, " Don't come its not worth it".
European countries needs to totally examine their immigration policies whether through the Shengen, or its aftermath, and determine whether they want to welcome those foreigners into their midst. If its all about cheap labor, they must consider, that a policy which consigns these folks to sub standard second class existences will come back to bite them in the butts, if not now, certainly in generations to come.Cheap things usually come at a high price, over time.Lengthen the permanent Residency to 25 years before citizenship,make the non reporting of criminal activity or radicalization punishable by deportation.
Much is made about the lack of an "European Dream", as opposed to the "American Dream". Seriously?. Last time I looked dreams were the domain of the dreamer,and their realization, a product of hard work, dogged determination,and a healthy dose of luck.One who joins the race long after the starting gun has sounded, should not expect an easy journey.If a host country, is big hearted to allow you into its house, dont complain that you are relegated to the basement, be thankful that you do not have to suffer harsh winters in the backyard or in the streets.Dont try to kill the people upstairs and burn the house down.If things are so bad in Europe request a ticket back to the Caliphate, where 72 virgins will await them with open arms.
I never understood why those who left to join ISIS have been welcomed back to their respective home countries in the West. Including in our own Trinidad,where folks are totally obsessed with copycatting any and every article in the pages of the Foreign press. Those governments should offer free airline tickets to those wanting to join the Caliphate, and as a final act take back their passports at the departure gate, declaring them stateless persons. Those who return illegally, should reside permanently in the State Pen.
Having said all of that,could this whole mess be solved if all of Europe collectively adopted the French policy of banning head scarves and Hijabs in public places? Now I am on my way to confession, head scarf in hand.