No question about that Verne.
Mr. Khan's speech definitely evoked the most emotions, including the great oratory from the POTUS and even the FLOTUS, at the convention.
Won't it be ironically symbolic if future generations of Americans refer to the speech from a Muslim lawyer named Khizr Khan as the most influential in their full understanding and appreciation of what being American is really all about? Actually it seems to have been already started. It has just been reported that THE CONSTIUTION has by far been the fastest and best selling book on Amazon since Mr. Khan's speech.
Almighty God sure works in unusual and mysterious ways!!
As for Mayor Bloomberg, my praise for him was based primarily on him being an outsider giving an endorsement to Hillary. Because he was once a democrat, then a republican and now an independent, I have to assume that there is a lot less party political bias when he speaks. Unlike the nonsense Trump spurts out, Bloomberg really appears to be beholden to no one or any party.
Based on that he was free to choose to support any of the two candidates. That he chose Hillary, despite her distractions which he annunciated, tells me a lot about the numerous failings, shortcomings and unpreparedness of the man who claims that he "alone can fix America" or words to that effect.
It is indeed ironical that the religious and political fences of divide could be broken down by the emotional sentiments expressed by Mr. Khan, a man from the Muslim faith. But my skeptical mind would always prevent me from falling in a mode of complacency and may wonder if Mr. Khan was placed at the crossroad of choice, could ever trade his love for country over that of his religion and be prevented from ever carrying the infidel connotation by those "religous zealots" of his Muslim denomination?