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I wish to congratulate our own Grenadian and Gouyave man Kirani for a job well done. This young man represented Grenada with all his heart and soul. I have not seen his name mentioned here because he did not bring home a gold. First he brought home a silver and second he represented his country by hard work and love.


I do commend you for that. He didn't bring home gold but we must accept the silver. However, I think he needs to change his coach. He as to lose some muscles. Change his diet and start preparing for 2020. This is my advice to him as an experiences athlete. He still have one more to go. Now that race is in the past, so he must look ahead. Think positive and work to improve his time but lose they coach. You needs new strategy.


The hardest thing to do is to repeat an unbelievable performance. Kirani was gold in London, and while it would have been great to be gold again in Rio, he at least got silver. That alone should make us and himself feel very proud, and by extension we should be in awe of Usain Bolt, another West Indian!
Lest we forget, the South African did not only beat Kirani, the young man broke a long standing 17 year old record! Which means that Kirani would have had to break that record too in order to win.
Perhaps we should relish the fact that his nemesis, LaShawn Merritt, did not beat him. That in itself was awesome!!


Yes indeed! Sister Merle, congratulations are in order.

Without any doubt, Kirani's success has become emblematic of the spirit of Grenada, Gouyave in particular. We are indebted to this young nan for his constant displaying of grace and statesmanship, even in defeat and we should all be proud of his achievements too date. For me, it is not about the quality of the medal but the quality of the man we had nurtured; his professionalism; his eloquence and his athleticism notwithstanding.

He is a well calibrated gem of an individual, who carries the weight of our country on his shoulders and with expectations so great, that even the common man would be able to appreciate his efforts when winning the gold has eluded him. Some may say it is our expectations that are to high, while others may agree that one has to aim at the top in order to reach there.

Kirani has brought us to that point and I will tip my hat to this young man for another job well done in his efforts to make us all proud.



Posted last night from another device but nothing came through...

Congratulations Kirani! Merle, I would have to believe that every Grenadian/Gouyaverian is proud of Kirani. Even if he did not get a medal I would have been proud of him. Just his being able to compete in the Olympics is marvellous! At times I wonder if we expect too much of him and yet as Vernon indicated one must always aim as high as one could.

Good luck going forward, Kirani.


Prediction: with continues work, Kirani will be the 1st to run a 400 m under 43s to take that record from the South African. I say this with great confidence because Kirani has a track record of being a patient hard worker. You will see him doing lots of sub 44s the boom! Mark my words!