So I was watching the TV feed, just as Kirani was about to do his "Bolt light" thing, when GBN cut to Cuthbert Peters Park. Well who tell dem to do dat. It was carnival, bacchanal, euphoria, bedlam and exuberance all rolled into one, and, um, de race didn't even run yet.
Chief among the revellers, was dat guy known by the nom de plume "Frenchman". I saw him in the heart of the crowd, stripped to the waist, a beret on he head and Rivers in hand ,screaming Lanse Power, Lanseman forever. and de race didn't even start yet.
Next ting I know de gun go off, Kirani ran a GREAT race, but ah skinny likkle injun, ah tink he have family in Closier, took of like a rocket, and was finishing a roti at de finish line by de time Kirani and Merrit got in.
And then,GBN switch back to CPP. Well! I nevah!! If it was not for de MC on stage, ah woudda tink dat I was watching ah funeral in de cemetery. De place get quiet, quiet, quiet,as wn shark bite de net, and all de big jacks get away, Frenchman an he pardners all look like dey muddah dead, or like dey trying to impersonate wet poultry.
Somebody arx me, wat do dem, dey doh know dat Kirani jes ran de race of he life and win ah silver medal in de Olympics. Ah laugh, ah tell him , bwoy you doh know dem Norseman. Since ah small every ting dey do is de best, nobody could beat dem. Dey uses to argue about who is de best swimmer, de best dancer, de best fighter, de best swimmer. Dats dem.ah jes hope GBN switch ovah before Frenchman pelt he Rivers bokkle.
Greetings, Monsieur Down Street,
It was so kind of you to recognize and acknowledge that we Northerners would be in a state of bereavement in light of the "post motem" on the Kirani race in Rio. Your post was well timed , as it had laid the foundation for our analysis, one which as you so aptly recognized, was bound to happen; "is so we dey!"
And as you further acknowledged our cultural preoccupation with the standard of excellence we have set for ourselves; the prelude of discussions prior to any event; the reenactment of the entire event and the required post analysis of the result (all in peaceful engagements) this race and the conspiratorial efforts behind it would not be speared from our L`Anse standard bearers and stakeholders. They would make full use of all the idioms spoken in their vernacular, with the proper expressions and parlance in an manner that would make all Northerners proud-that is if allowed by your oppressive constabulatory group in your Southern quarters whose imposition of abuse had subjugated us from time immemorial.
But while you were witness to yet another abusive body, this time, by GBN, infiltrating our moment of celebration in the venue of Cutbut Peters Park that day, we were already making preparations to establish our own TV station, "Le L `AnseTV" in order to prevent any further humiliation and intervention in our quiet lives from outside influences; "the harrassas" as we aptly refer to all you all----I meant, them. Lol
On point of our analysis on the Kirani race however, our committee in the French Quarters had began to observe some noticeable changes in his physique some four years ago, that we were sure would impact his speed over time. This, we attributed to his "so called Yankee Dietician" who abandoned his cultural diet of Oil-Down, Fish Broff (Broth, for all you English speakers down dey) in Coconut Milk with Bush Yam, Bluhgoe, Fig, Dumplin, Dasheen and Tanya and instead, continue to feed our boi a steady diet of yiest infected carbohydrate products, cultured Farm Raised/ River Fish balanced with Lettuce and Tomatoes laced with Genetically Modified Organisms.
Down Street, this kind of food he was consuming here are not fully digestable and no amount of Chyme secretion can be produced in such quantity, enough to give safe passage without hindrance (like the Ti-ti-ri got) to the previous days consumption. So Kirani began that race literly, with "that load on his mind" and had to harness enough speed to carry that bru, stored in what had become a combustible chamber as evident by the grimace on his face in the end hence giving new meaning to the phrase "Splitting the Atom". The "Injun from Clozier", no doubt was a vegiterian and had "a good go at it" from the beginning hence his speed was quite noticible and in world record time to boot.
Kirani needs to come back home to recharge.
So I too had felt the pain of our people. It was reminiscent of that ill fated day when Grampovia Hurricane soccer team scored five consecutive goals in the second half in that horrific match to beat our St. John's sports 5 to 4 and nearly sent all of us to take up petmanent resident in the Enclave of our Dougladston Cemetery.
French, mon amie, I sympathize,I truly do.I understand the disappointment and dismay which struck your community, after convincing yourselves without even knowing who will be participating in the race,that "our boy mus win" because he is one ah we.
I was waiting to hear where the blame would fall, and true to Trumpian form, you claim that, it is about the replacement of fish broth, with Mick Pic 2's in KJ's diet..Not being privy to Kirani's dietary regimen, I cannot say yea or nay, although I had heard that Mamma San had prepared a special bowl of Greyhound Gai Pan, and sent it to the Buoy, before he left for Rio..
Like every other Downstreetonian,I was relegated to watching the race from the seawall, since the inner confines of Cutbut Peters was chock full of screaming Norsemen.We tend towards gentility down dey. If Kirani does come back to graze however, he would have to do so in Charlotte Towne, since our undersea barriers, have effectively foreclosed the migration of the species known as Jaxus Maximus,to areas North of the River Seine.We warned you, to stop saying unkind things about us. Trump talks about building a wall, we did. But KJ could eat by we,and stay down dey, he can bring he own silver ware, from rio..
Re. the grimace on Kirani"s face as the cruise missile from Closier blew by him, One of your pardners on exiting the park claimed, that the loss was unfair,he say de Injun win was gas propelled, and that KJ's grimace was caused by the pungent aroma of curry pooomm. Allyu fellahs real good oui.
As usual, your post/postings brought a laugh!
Being in NY I could not be in Cuthbert Peters' park that day. As it is, however, that evening I was at a backyard party - the only Gouyaverian there, everybody else from tung, not that it matttered as we were all Kirani lovers. At 10 minutes to the race a few patriotic ones of us went upstairs to view the sports. We were so pumped up that we actually lustily sang the anthem BEFORE the race, finishing a few seconds before it started. I have to admit that I was so blown away by the winner that my mouth literally dropped. You could have heard a pin drop for a few seconds in that room. As true Grenadians, however, never ever daunted (for long anyway), the screams started, silver yah, we got silver, Kirani, Kirani!! To get gold is one great thing, but whether silver, bronze, or just being in the race it comes with the recognition of being the best in the world at any given time or the other.
So now we await Tokyo 2020 with the greatest of expectations! lol
Thank you, AM. No one could have expressed so many of our sentiments any better than the way you did!! Very well done.