Blair's Columbia 26 Forum


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Re: Shoal Draft Model

strange as it may appear, the shoal keel has a better capsize ratio of 1.81 over full keel 1.88 , and motion comfort for shoal of 25.55 over full keel at 23.03. and shoal appears to be .5 knots faster. also 726 pounds greater displacement than full keel. am looking for a shoal keel myself.

Re: Re: Shoal Draft Model

I was woundering if the shaol keel would'nt just bolt
right up to std. fin keel position, you could set the bolts in anyway you wish-if you see my point..
Just a question...

Re: Re: Re: Shoal Draft Model

keel is heavier, perhaps hulls are laid up heavier to take the added weight...