Blair's Columbia 26 Forum


Blair's Columbia 26 Forum
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Mylar Genoa - for sale

Mylar 150% genoa for Columbia 26 mark 2 with hanks for sale; Vancouver, BC. Approximate dimensions: luff = 30' 10", LP = 15' 4", foot = 16' 2". Great shape and always a fast sail. Price $ 450 in
Canadian $.

Re: Mylar Genoa - for sale

Have you sold the sail yet? How old is it? Any tell-tale windows?

Re: Mylar Genoa - for sale

hello , i have a columbia 26 as well how old is your sail? what shape is it in? i live in comox on the island, i am in vancouver on the 22nd july so if you still have please e-mail me back cheers andre