"Every spring, my office works with all city department heads to develop the upcoming fiscal year’s budget. During that process, the department heads review the prior year’s budget and year-to-date actual spending numbers. They identify needs for their departments and ways to deliver programs and services more efficiently, as well as possible cost saving measures."
1. If this happens every year, where are the cuts to department budgets? Where are suggestions of how to deliver services and programs more efficiently? WHERE IS A PLAN?
2. Hmmm, very interesting that cuts should the override fail are already planned without knowing " year-to-date actual spending numbers. and how the city departments "identify needs for their departments and ways to deliver programs and services more efficiently, as well as possible cost saving measures."
2. Oh, I get it, if the Override fails, never mind coming up with a PLAN, lets just cut stuff from the school budget and keep city hall a bloated overspending mess. Well, that's at least my opinion.