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So if you don’t agree with the sanctimonious yes crowd you are referred to as a nope a dope and don’t care about the children. I’m disgusting at what has become of this city. Don’t tell me about the no crowd. From where I’m standing it’s the yes crowd doing all the bullying. They make it sound out no votes are depriving children of food, shelter, clothing. Huh, ironically that’s exactly what they’ll be doing to seniors and those who can’t afford the tax and rent increases that will come if the override passes. The children will always have school and get an education no matter if you like how it’s done or not. People may not always afford to be able to eat. So stop with the “we care more than you do” ****. It’s not working.

Re: Bullies

Has Your bullying done on social media because admittedly if I have seen any bullying online from the no side it is in retaliation to being bullied first. One of the more prominent no voters has been atracked repeatedly over her decision to turn off comments. She wants to voice her opinion without argument and she has that right. She has been attacked my many and I commend her for reiterating her position without attacking back. Vote no

Re: Bullies

Well I would call today’s post referring to no voters as nope a dopes and uncaring children haters as bullying and intimidation tactics.

Re: Bullies

I agree that the yes crowd seems to be using passive-aggressive intimidation tactics more than the no crowd. Right now on the CG they’re complaining about fliers left under windshield or taped to their fence gates while completely ignoring the fact that the yes crowd left fliers under windshields of cars at the elderly housing.

Re: Bullies

I received all sorts of mess from the yes fliers. I live on a busy street and the yes group came out earlier and more often than the no group so there was more trash from their non-recyclable fliers. Their Jehovah's Witness level of door knocking was annoying too. They would not leave. Although this type of campaigning says much about the campaigners, this will end after the election.

Troubling is that the yes group refuses to listen or consider anything other than More Money. They do not listen to any alternatives and keep repeating the same tired mantras. They are extremely disrespectful to any hint of questioning their supposed facts and figures. Much of their supporting documentation doesn't stand up to scrutiny so they resort to denigrating those who question.

The ones that understand finances in the yes group know that they are perpetrating a fraud. The many more that don't understand just want to be liked and for their kids to have more art supplies. They are the true victims here because many of them can't afford this override either.

The MCG had closed comments on their page for override related posts for months. They sneakily allow pro override posters a nice lengthy intro to their posts but no comments allowed. Why shouldn't a no voter take the same liberty?

Re: Bullies

The yes people went into the elderly housing to cajole (vote for this override, you're not paying) and threaten (if it doesn't pass you will lose services) This was done in person, to their faces, by someone who worked for the hospital and a nursing home.

This should tell you everything you need to know about the lack of integrity behind this override. Vote NO!

Re: Bullies

I just want too know what all you people on both sides are going to do
Come wed when this is all over! You will all have so much free time!!!!
Maybe you could all Focus all your energy on something positive!!