I see that you missed the word "buffoon" Hector. Maybe if it had said incompetent, vindictive, mentally unstable, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, traitorous, egomaniac buffoon, it would have been clearer to you that the reference was/is to tRump!
I thought by now the Trump haters would stop. They haters need to accept President Trump. This is not how we should be teacher our children. The American people are better than this so wake up and support this man and his family and stop your HATE.
Care to explain your vote to reject the recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the wishes of the 75% of parents who are willing to send their kids to school in person 10 days per month?
If we are going to be remote to start, will you agree to start instruction prior to 9/21 and/or return to a 180 day year?
What do you say to parents whose kids will have been without any meaningful schooling for six months come September?
If instruction is to be remote for the year, will you vote to cut the school budget and unneeded expenses (paras, specialists, materials, and custodians) to save money to rehire personnel for the 2021-22 school year when those positions will be needed?
Yeah, there's certainly NO REASON why anyone should be avoiding getting together with other people, when not at all necessary!! (Well, maybe that pesky hoax virus, but that's so minor.)
C`mon, get with reality for heaven`s sake. It's not gone yet, but why do you think things are getting better? Because some of us aren't doing stupid stuff, like you suggest!
Middle class school systems will never be top notch. Looking through these posts is comical. Where do you people think you live, Winchester? Lexington? Belmont? You live in MELROSE. Most of you are just upset because you moved here and overspent by 100 K on a two bed one bath. We don’t have the tax base or the revenue to ever thrive in the education system. Why do you think many Melrose residents send their kids to parochial or private schools. I’m not saying don’t make the effort to make the system better but realize that we are capped and be realistic. There are many other parts of our city budget that need money to, not every cent can go to the schools.
DPW needs money to make much-needed infrastructure changes. All three fire departments look like they are about to cave in and collapse. The police department is so undermanned it’s borderline dangerous. These are just three quick thoughts that come to mind when I hear people trying to over extend what we really are here in this city when it comes to education. Money needs to go elsewhere.
All of those people who you have listed probably already know that Covid-19 is a serious threat to all of us, so what exactly do you want us to contact them about? Do they know how to eliminate the threat, and will then tell us?
Are you saying you don't want more questions with one day period of time?Consider it closed.Do you prefer no Questions.So you will not communicate back to us if someone his a Question.So all you did was a good impression that you care and then if nobody had a question for a couple days you are done answering questions.You know very well that it is easier to ask questions than answer them.Give answer.Not surprised to see you walk away and consider it closed.Iam sure there:s a lot of questions about this disease were all fighting coronavirus 19 to live.This has an impact on every family in this community it is crisis her in Melrose.So ask the MAYOR is done answering questions. Appropriately means understanding the situation and working out what kind of response to give. In familiar settings this may be easy,but when you:re with people you don;t know so well; you may have to weigh things up quite quickly.
True partnership is all of us helping each other at this time.It is not easy being home everyday.Many people been followed from the jobs or layoffs. No one wins when you have no jobs are lost. This is about time it something that none of us been through .Yes employment checks don:t cut it.Life changes Go from working everday to no work.Not easy on anybody.
The new MA weekly COVID report with municipal-level detail, henceforth being released on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays: https://www.mass.gov/doc/weekly-covid-19-public-health-report-october-22-2020/download
But, if you listen to some wackos, mostly only a threat to we older people with "underlying conditions" who have one foot out the door anyway! The compassion is underwhelming.
True partnership is all of us helping each other at this time.It is not easy being home everyday.Many people been followed from the jobs or layoffs. No one wins when you have no jobs are lost. This is about time it something that none of us been through .Yes employment checks don:t cut it.Life changes Go from working everday to no work.Not easy on anybody.
True partnership is all of us helping each other at this time.It is not easy being home everyday.Many people been followed from the jobs or layoffs. No one wins when you have no jobs are lost. This is about time it something that none of us been through .Yes employment checks don:t cut it.Life changes Go from working everday to no work.Not easy on anybody.
Despite the storms,
beauty arrives like
it was always going to.
Despite the darkness,
the light returns.
Despite your loss,
your heart will be
full again.
True partnership is all of us helping each other at this time.It is not easy being home everyday.Many people been followed from the jobs or layoffs. No one wins when you have no jobs are lost. This is about time it something that none of us been through .Yes employment checks don:t cut it.Life changes Go from working everday to no work.Not easy on anybody.Check on your neighbors.Call or text your neighbors.Especially elderly neighbors to make sure they"re doing will. make sure to stay socially connected.Wake around your neighborhood.Develop a support system within your community.Reach out but do it safely.
About those families have children in school?Who works who doesen"t work?What happens when the kid has to learn online?This could be about health Insurance for an Family to make a decision.To who works and who doesn"t that'S If both of your working.Health insurance is not cheap.Cobra insurance from your former employee is not cheap for Family.
President Trump will not resign. Nor will he turn power over to Vice President Pence and ask him for a pardon, according to top White House advisers who have spoken with the highest ranking members of Mr. Trump's Cabinet, including Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, Pence and chief of staff Mark Meadows.
The president continues to ask senior advisers about his ability to pardon himself before he leaves office. It's a power that is untested and by no means settled. A Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel memo from 1976 says that the president cannot pardon himself or herself, so it would be a gamble. The president worries about his legal exposure post-presidency, but not necessarily related to the assault on the Capitol.
GOP sources close to the White House and congressional leadership say the threat of a second impeachment is real and could find some support among House Republicans, who are facing pressure from lobbying firms and corporations that help fund their campaigns. They have made it clear they will cut ties with Republicans who back Mr. Trump in any impeachment vote.
But on the other side is the Trump-inspired GOP base that threatens to launch primary challenges against House Republicans who vote for impeachment.
Republicans wish House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wouldn't force the question, but the speaker, protecting the institution of Congress and maximizing political advantage, will force Republicans to choose. Privately, top Republican sources concede if the mob that attacked the Capitol had been egged on by a Democratic president, a GOP House speaker would do the same thing.
Mr. Trump continues to believe any impeachment talk is strictly partisan; top outside advisers keep telling him it not partisan, but institutional. Congress was under attack this week, and some Republicans feel it's necessary to push back with impeachment vote – for now and for history.
The idea of invoking the 25th Amendment remains remote and is mostly intended to keep the president in line in the remaining few days of his presidency. But top cabinet officials still holding positions, chief among them Mnuchin and Pompeo, have not refuted the suggestion internally or externally in order to send a signal to Mr. Trump that it's an action they'd be willing to take if he cannot control himself.
DO NOT LET THE BEHAVIOR OF OTHERS DESTROY YOUR INNER PEACE. I have been there and they are not nice people. A person's actions will tell you everything you need to know.