Re: They Say They Want To UNITE But They Just Want Their Way!!!
Despite the storms,
beauty arrives like
it was always going to.
Despite the darkness,
the light returns.
Despite your loss,
your heart will be
full again.
Re: They Say They Want To UNITE But They Just Want Their Way!!!
Who: The Jealous Haters of America
What: The Same Haters That Started in 2016-2021
Where: All Over The World
When: Did They Care For The Last Eight Months
How: Take Away Make America Great It Will Read Make China Great
Beware of any party that wants to pack the Supreme Court, do away with the Electoral College, add D.C. as a state, do away with the Senate filibuster, wants open borders - these are the true enemies of our consitutional republic.
Re: They Say They Want To UNITE But They Just Want Their Way!!!
6 trillion dollar man
Generation of wealth lost and they think $1,400 is going to help. It's how much did we lose because of the virus attack. Stop blaming the last president. The 46th is trying to control us. We are vaccinated no mask outside you fool. Yes, he don't like voter ID this is strange you think he would want a fair election. He is promising money on our taxes.
The current administration will drive this country to socialism - and most of us know how dismal that kind of governmental control has caused the deaths of millions of people and abject poverty to their people.
Re: They Say They Want To UNITE But They Just Want Their Way!!!
Now the truth comes that the Teachers Union was involved with the CDC and Biden. This cost so many lives and our children.
Not the color but the behavior we object to.
The 44th used US money to get out Israel President.
Female athletes worry
I worry for a Police Officer Today and in the Future!
Paying back their donors following the slogan your American 1st.
They took away the Bail System
Next they want the 2nd and 1st amendment
This is crippling public schools.
President Biden and his administration cannot hide from the truth by not going to our southern border to see what is happening. Everyone can see what is happening by news accounts and video of how these kids are being mistreated and separated from their parents. This is so disgusting and vile to see our government cooperating with the drug cartels and helping them traffic in kids. They now make more money trafficking in kids than they do in smuggling in drugs!
Can you believe what you saw yesterday when our President and his wife visited an elementary school talking to kids while they condone the raping of girls and the trafficking of kids on their way up to the US southern border - and then promoting our open borders and instituting catch and release policy again. Even the central American countries are blaming Biden for this chaos.
Re: They Say They Want To UNITE But They Just Want Their Way!!!
Is it the Abortion Views that Ban Biden From Communion? Is it the sex trafficking allegations?
AS far as I am concerned - it can be because of both those reasons! I am convinced that Biden is just a puppet - and his springs are being controlled by others - he looks, speaks, and walks like a very weak and fragile old man! What a shame for this projection of our President overseas!
Re: They Say They Want To UNITE But They Just Want Their Way!!!
Don't omit his support for degenerate life styles like gay marriage! Abortion is NURDEER! "Beijing" Joe and Nancy "PIGlosi" are not true Catholic's, as neither have apparently ever read the Bible! Your Mayor can also be included among the DEMONcrats! I am a true Catholic and will therefore continue to pray for their souls, because ALL LIVES MATTER!