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Search for New Middle School Principal

Will there really be an honest search by this school administration for a new principal to replace outgoing Tom Brow? Answer: NO!

It's all window dressing for public consumption by Cyndy Taymore who is determined to have her favorite, Brent Conway, assume the position. Remember folks, you heard it here first!

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

I heard it was going to be Joe Casey.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Could also be that dip$hit colleague of hers from bedford that she tried to sucker the h.s. with and whose public interview with parents was an unmitigated disaster. But yes, BC thinks he's entitled to that position and has been chomping at the bit for the past couple of years (probably why he didn't jump ship with the rest of his "extraordinary" administrative team during the mass exodus).

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Nah, JC is already sitting pretty with his (and his wife's) double six-figure pensions PLUS working as a consultant PLUS he's now working at the DOE (because he's such an "educational expert" that he is now being tapped to advise others on how to botch up a system as much as he did to Melrose).

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Looks like Myron is talking to himself again.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Anyone will be an improvement of the little Napoleon. If it can breathe. He fooled quite a few people over the years.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

No one should be hired internally because there is no one in the school system that is qualified and second no one that Taymore is an acquaintance of should be considered

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

"No one should be hired internally because there is no one in the school system that is qualified and second no one that Taymore is an acquaintance of should be considered "

What, and deny Cronyism one of the biggest Opportunities of the decade?!

What would Melrose do if it hired actually qualified individuals? Dr. Rosé Giner (former math chair) was such an individual, and she gave it her best effort for a year and deemed Melrose hopeless, which it basically is. She was phenomenal and in a non-egotistical way pointed out what needed to be done to begin addressing the problems. The "powers that be" weren't having it. If you for one second are deluded to thinking that they're "having it" now, think again. A class act like Dr. Giner wouldn't even consider applying here now. The local "educational experts" think that our current lineup is stellar, as they did for the past ones, too. These "educational experts" wouldn't know quality if it were staring them in the face.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Muldoon should jump ship after one year in Belmont and come back to head up the Middle School. I'd be very happy if that were to occur.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

He's too smart to leave a good situation for this mess, especially to work for a boss who blew him off as she did (making excuses to the public about false reasons for his departure). When you have a "performing arts" teacher openly (at work) calling his place of employment a $hithole and getting away with it because he flirts (sick) with the big boss, there's not much reason to hope for a good result anywhere here because standards of conduct mean nothing (look at the super getting away with swearing at the public repeatedly last week; if a student did that, they'd be punished!).

What should have been a decent result at the h.s. hiring from within someone long committed has not been successful after all, now she behaves like a perpetual suck-up and has no one's backs (teachers or students) but her own. Looking at the caliber of hires so far, it's abysmal. This fleet of administrators is starting to make the previous bunch of losers seem almost good, which is hard to fathom. And anyone barely adequate bails for another job quickly, which didn't happen even with Casey because even he knew better than to insult, dismiss and harass his employees the way the current one and her henchmen do with the heavy-handed, ignorant, fast-firing edicts and haughty airs. How about for once hiring someone who actually has proven success and experience in HR, with basic decency and good educational background? Surely someone could be recruited for the ridiculous pay now being offered (since the good ones probably won't come near the place independently).

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Muldoon left? When? Why?

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Muldoon left for Belmont after CT's first year. Says it all. She claimed to the public that it was because they offered to pay for his doctorate. Not buying it. Money isn't everything, though the mayor/SC and CT want us to think so.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Deep Throat
Will there really be an honest search by this school administration for a new principal to replace outgoing Tom Brow? Answer: NO!

It's all window dressing for public consumption by Cyndy Taymore who is determined to have her favorite, Brent Conway, assume the position. Remember folks, you heard it here first!

Well it turns out Deep Throat was prophetic: Joshua Frank and Maura Donoghue get the unfavorable 5:30-6:30 slot for their meet and greet; prime time dinner time when no parents would be able to attend, and hidden away in the 2nd floor project room. Meanwhile Cindy's favored boy gets a second meet and greet right after morning drop-off in the easily accessible cafeteria, perfect for parents since they will be there for drop off anyway. And don't forget the free coffee! Seriously Cyndy, why don't you just throw in a free breakfast buffet to seal the deal?

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

It's "shoo" in.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Muldoon was a young talent in need of maturity. After a few more years he would have been ready to deal with the difficult parents, kids and situations Melrose throws at you and would have been a good Middle School Principal. He and Dan Richards hit it off and Richards convinced him to go to Belmont for much more money. Belmont HS is a country club compared to Melrose. The kids are easier to deal with and the under current of white trash Melrose that makes up the bottom 10% of the student/parent population doesn't exist in Belmont. (10% of the population 80% of the problems)It was a job he was more suited for and he got paid more...who wouldn't take it. Any other story about why Muldoon left is complete BS. Kid got a promotion and a raise in a nicer/easier community to be asst. principal in. Good for him, but the nefarious accusations on Taymore's role in the process appearing on this site are baseless lies.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

The Truth
Belmont HS is a country club compared to Melrose. The kids are easier to deal with and the under current of white trash Melrose that makes up the bottom 10% of the student/parent population doesn't exist in Belmont. (10% of the population 80% of the problems) It was a job he was more suited for and he got paid more...who wouldn't take it.

If there's a fault in that argument, it's that you didn't go far enough. I think 10% of the population causing 90% of the trouble is more like it. You're comments about Belmont HS are spot on, though, as I know from experience, since I have two grandchildren there. It's like being on a different planet compared to Melrose HS. When I first read your comment, I thought "white trash" was a bit harsh, but the more I thought about it, the less harsh it sounded.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

It may be harsh, but it's accurate.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

And the "winner" is....

Just as the original poster predicted!

Forget all that about taking anything from "good to great". It's only about getting from elem principal to the next administrative rung in the ladder. No one at the top cares too much because they'll be "up" the ladder and out soon, too. Start counting the number of veteran faculty who leave (not the bad ones). The Clark/Brodeur contingent is doing their happy dance because they can "loop" with their favorite political appointee/principal as their kids age. Maybe in another year or so he'll cycle up to MHS. Circle of life as it is in the Melrose Public Schools.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

And the "winner" is....

Just as the original poster predicted!

Forget all that about taking anything from "good to great". It's only about getting from elem principal to the next administrative rung in the ladder. No one at the top cares too much because they'll be "up" the ladder and out soon, too. Start counting the number of veteran faculty who leave (not the bad ones). The Clark/Brodeur contingent is doing their happy dance because they can "loop" with their favorite political appointee/principal as their kids age. Maybe in another year or so he'll cycle up to MHS. Circle of life as it is in the Melrose Public Schools.

Looks like Taymore's free coffee and favored time slot for her favored candidate's "Meet and Greet" did the trick. Why didn't the school committee call her out on this obvious favoritism in the selection process??

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Did they really serve coffee? It's one thing to add a session because of Passover, it's another to serve refreshments. Facts please?

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

They only had half and half so it wasn't that good.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

Shoulda known
Why didn't the school committee call her out on this obvious favoritism in the selection process??

You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking.

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

This is no joke. Unbelievably, Taymore's's favored candidate got the prime morning slot(parents were there already to drop off their kids...) and coffee to boot in the easily accessible cafeteria. Meanwhile, the two other unwitting candidates got slotted in the "dinner time for every family in America" slot of 5:30-6:30 pm located in some mysterious windowless "project room" on the second floor. [:-|]

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

The proof that he is the right person for the job will be if he can finally clean up the 7th grade teachers. The SPED program is a joke in the middle school and teachers especially on 7A team don't understand modifications. They take children at a vaunerable age and fail! This has a lasting effect on how they view themselves as learners. Very few teachers actually post grades so as a parent it's hard to know what's going on. The so called lead teacher doesn't even utilize Aspen. she is petty and just down right mean to the kids. She lectures the kids to be accepting because she is "different" yet belittles the children that are different. 8th grade math needs a kick too. The teachers need to be available for after school help rather than running off to get a coaching stipend. Don't understand how a child can get placed into a mandatory "intervention" in a subject and NOT improve! Mr. New Principal you have some serious areas to focus on. Help!

Re: Search for New Middle School Principal

You blamed everyone but yourself and you’re little generous. By the way you forgot the two former 7th grade teachers.