Secrecy, mismanagement, manipulations and abuse of power equals "No Confidence" in the politicians of Melrose. Voting No on the OVERRIDE !
I actually supported the last Override and all the recent bond issues. I am a registered Democrat and the few people I've told this week that I will VOTE NO seemed surprised that I would vote NO. Enough is enough. I can't afford it. RE taxes have gone way up over the past few years and the water bills are out of sight. My income has not gone up. I cannot afford a general Override. The schools have mismanaged their resources. So, we should trust them with more money? The Aldermen who use the GIC benefit (legal loophole doesn't make it moral) STEAL our tax money for their private family health insurance. How any of them can possibly expect to be taken seriously (or think they are respected) when they ask for more tax money or question how the budget line items are decided and spent are delusional. Yes, my VOTING NO is a surprise.
I agree. No need to spend $5.3 mil on what will become a glorified hangout for the kids. Don't think there will be any academics going on there despite what the Mayor and school committee/MEF crowd say. Anyway, why would we want to pay for this "kids hangout" just because the MEF moms want it there before their kids get to the highschool?? And why should we be funding a frozen yogurt bar??
Why are we paying for BOA Health Insurance ?
I have my own family's Health insurance to fund.
Defeat any BOA member who "benefits" from GIC.
Vote against any BOA who supports the Override.
Rob proposed an override for taxes last night.
Help me. Am I wrong to believe that all these monster apt buildings going up and the added retail space is supposed to be generating more taxes for the city?
Are we being asked to deal with the excessive amounts of traffic and lack of parking on top of paying more taxes? Or does Robby need another raise already?
I don't know, there are a lot more people for the override than against it on the Melrose FB page. It doesn't nearly have the "NO" vibe that this board does and it has a lot more members.
Just going by the vibe in my neighborhood, most definitely people are fed up.[8-)]
I watched the Mayor's effort last Monday evening to justify an override. I have to give the Mayor credit for a great effort - an A effort.
If the override does fail, he can't be faulted, but the school administration under the dictatorial and arrogant control of Cyndy Taymore will be the loser and "real" reason why it fails!The kids won't be the loser since there will finally be the realization that the schools can't move ahead under her leadership, and at this point - it will finally be obvious to all - even to the gung-ho elementary parents and the school committee- that a chnage is needed in leadership. The Mayor, in his speech, talked about adding a handful of teachers and another coordinator (how many more coordinators do we need?). Heck - we did this in years past without an override!
The Mayor needs to be honest with us - the extra money is needed for the final year of the last teacher's contractual raise - remember the 25% raise they were given over 3 years - only the Mayor told us it was only a 1% raise per year until the real truth was told to us! Now this year they need to start negotiating for the next 3 year contract and they would like to include another big raise for them, the superintendent, and the admin staff so that we can compete with Winchester, Lincoln, Lexington, on teacher and admin staff salaries.
The Mayor has run out of "rabbits in the hat" and he is getting tired of sacrificing other city departments and services for a school department whose efforts to improve sudent outcomes is sluggish at best. Let's see in Novemeber if the public goes along with the Mayor's justification for a 2 million plus override - however - I wouldn't bet on it winning - the stats given by the Mayor, along with other reasons not stated by the Mayor (prospective big raise for the teachers & school admin), don't justify it!
Dolan is out of control.
The SC is out of control.
MEF mommies are out of control.
The BOA are mostly "yes" people who give Dolan all the control.
No on The Override.
Hope some new candidates step up and run for office.
We need to get rid of Tramontozzi, Margolis, Infurna, Mortimer, Boiselle, Wright and Forbes jr.
We need to get rid of SC Chair, KT, Margaret Driscoll and D. Constantine.
I agree that Jessica Dugan has been a disappointment and I also voted for her anticipating some independent input and action as well as support to underseiged CKK. I even wrote her to explain why I was disappointed in her performance and thus far, needless to say, no response from her.
I believe what happened is - when she got on the committee, Thorp, Taymore, and others made it clear to her - in ever subtle ways, go along, to get along, otherwise, be ostracized by other committee members, as is CKK. With kids in the system - best to surrender to the "group". Result: don't wrestle feathers, vote with the others, and don't bring up issues which might embarrass school admin and other committee members. This is a recipe for "status quo", lack of transparency, and little progress in improving our school system. My question to her is - then why join the committee?
JD not only goes along but fully embraces the whole thing, being an energetic proponent of all the BS that CT espouses and being quite the fan of hers. She is very obviously angling for a district job, too. It's sickening. She has intelligence and instead of using it for some semblance of critical thinking, she has become a fanatical supporter of the dangerous people and elements that are causing such direct harm to the educational system.
The Bozo Brigade is at it again. You want to replace the entire school committee except 1 person, and the Mayor. November is your chance...if you can only come up with candidates...which seems to be an issue with the Bozo's that can't even show up to a meeting, never mind get someone to agree to run and show up at all of the meetings.
Chief Bozo, here is the answer to your question as to "why join the committee?"
The majority of Melrose voters support her and her point of view. You clowns have no credibility, no support and no b@lls.
Are your neurons drowning in alcohol or something? Myron, as much as I think he's a blowhard, is honestly giving his opinion. Is that concept too difficult for you?
This is an unusual situation where the local press is delinquent in covering the issues that are important. Week after week we see fluff pieces written and directed by the Mayor's office substituting for real journalism in the Free Press and Melrose Weekly. Meanwhile, there is a full blown Federal Civil Rights investigation of the School Department going on, exposed only after a good citizen alerted the AG's office of the SC chair's attempted cover-up, an OML violation under State law. That's two blockbuster stories not being covered. By the press not covering these issues, crooked government officials feel emboldened to violate the public's trust. That was supposed to be the beauty of Freedom of the Press and the First Amendment. It was meant as deterrent against corruption of government officials. Unfortunately, the Melrose Weekly and Free Press are not brave enough to do their job. There should be outrage that means something about whatever has led to such a serious matter, and that is quite clearly being actively hidden by school officials and their boss, the Melrose School Committee. Where is the moral compass of this community?These people need to be handed their walking papers!Just how much of a bill is this district likely going to be footing as this continues to unfold? Is this the real reason behind the freight train known as the done-deal Override that the mayor is assuming will take care of all?It isn't just an "embarrassment.
This is an unusual situation where the local press is delinquent in covering the issues that are important. Week after week we see fluff pieces written and directed by the Mayor's office substituting for real journalism in the Free Press and Melrose Weekly. Meanwhile, there is a full blown Federal Civil Rights investigation of the School Department going on, exposed only after a good citizen alerted the AG's office of the SC chair's attempted cover-up, an OML violation under State law. That's two blockbuster stories not being covered. By the press not covering these issues, crooked government officials feel emboldened to violate the public's trust. That was supposed to be the beauty of Freedom of the Press and the First Amendment. It was meant as deterrent against corruption of government officials. Unfortunately, the Melrose Weekly and Free Press are not brave enough to do their job. There should be outrage that means something about whatever has led to such a serious matter, and that is quite clearly being actively hidden by school officials and their boss, the Melrose School Committee. Where is the moral compass of this community?These people need to be handed their walking papers!Just how much of a bill is this district likely going to be footing as this continues to unfold? Is this the real reason behind the freight train known as the done-deal Override that the mayor is assuming will take care of all?It isn't just an "embarrassment.
I once contacted Dan DeMaina when he was with the Free Press and asked him why, even then, they didn't cover these kinds of things. His answer- and I'm paraphrasing here - is that they don' t do real journalism because they don't have the resources. I thought he was kidding at first, but he wasn't. It's much easier to just print the fluff because it fills space and doesn't cost anything in time or effort.
If the override does fail, he can't be faulted, but the school administration under the dictatorial and arrogant control of Cyndy Taymore will be the loser and "real" reason why it fails!The kids won't be the loser since there will finally be the realization that the schools can't move ahead under her leadership, and at this point - it will finally be obvious to all - even to the gung-ho elementary parents and the school committee- that a chnage is needed in leadership.
Margaret Driscoll is largely responsible for the mess in our schools.
David Driscoll was Melrose Superintendent and State of Massachusetts Commissioner.
Jack Driscoll was the Editor of The Boston Globe.
Therefore, any fair or honest media coverage regarding the legal violations and issues is null and void.
Dave and Jack are Margaret's uncle-in-laws.
Interesting facts about Ms. Driscoll - never was aware of those connections but it all makes sense now. I guess there is no way anyone can stop her from being the next school dept. business manager as soon as she completes her studies. I have to go back and check my lineage, maybe I am related to Dolan, Brodeur, Lewis and Clark! A worthy effort to "explore"!
David Driscoll was a Math teacher and Coach at MHS. He then became the School Business Manager. He then became Melrose School Super. He went onto become the Massachusetts Commissioner of Education. Now, he advises MD at Jitters. I didn't know she was studying to become a "School Business Manager". Her "Angel Guides" along with "Uncle Dave" will help keep her and the other SC members out of jail and propel her to the next career step. They can come up with some kind of deal, I'm sure. Pay to Play has always functioned well in Melrose. I know too much history. Sorry kids, I''m voting No on the Override!
Pay to Play, otherwise known as Running for Elected Office in Melrose
Even if you're a convicted felon, as long as you've paid into and/or raised hefty amounts for the party coffers, as our own MHS PTO prez Conman did, you're golden to run and get party blessings.
If you are MD, you can tap into the family name and mow the path easily to sanctioned and bigger abuse of power. Sickening.
Let's go have fancy tea at Jiggers (while someone else drives our own kids everywhere) and watch the thugs whisper as they plot their next travesties against the students and taxpayers.
If you want the most bang for your bucks, vote NO![xNo]