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Science Chair Leaving

Heard the SCience chair leaving. Interesting. These people come here a few years, take lots of money, make lots of promises, claim they're doing great things for students. They take off before you can say boo. Lots of talk. Not much improvement.

Not saying science chair didn't do some good here, but it would be nice if admins would stick around until there are results. Instead of leaving promises behind. Kerry Clery claimed at every school presentation she was doing wonderful things and the school would be great in only a couple more years. She left. School's still the same. Tom Brow always claimed the middle school was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Scores stayed horrible - he left. Dan Richards claimed to turn the high school around on a dime. He left faster. Joe Casey talked a wonderful game of 'moving forward' right up until the day he left.

Is it starting all over again? Will we lose more dept. chairs, more principals, and the superintendent, too? Will it all take place before we have an answer whether they bamboozled us as the others all did? Stay tuned, Melrose.

Re: Science Chair Leaving

Science chair did a lousy job. A real blowhard, talking a big game but useless, with no real content knowledge and certainly didn't produce the goods. Nearly half of the district is "Needs Improvement" or "Failing" and this chair was here long enough that she can't blame anyone else. She's being replaced by someone who has basically no experience as an administrator, same old story. He will be using our kids as his guinea pigs and then he'll leave a few years from now (or sooner).

Re: Science Chair Leaving

The inside info on this science chair who left is correctly stated by the person above - her leaving is probably for the best - only if they were to hire a more competent, experienced person - but sadly they didn't - as usual! Taymore did it again to us! This superintendent needs to leave and join the rest of a long list of replacements needed before the start of school!

Re: Science Chair Leaving

Apparently the new science labs violate OSHA regulations. The new science chair must see something bad there that all the 'experts' involved in building the new science labs overlooked.

Re: Science Chair Leaving

OSHA Compliance
Apparently the new science labs violate OSHA regulations. The new science chair must see something bad there that all the 'experts' involved in building the new science labs overlooked.

Yeah like the missing eyewash stations or drains in floors. Flagrant incompetence, arrogance, and poor management of these projects. Just like missing electrical outlets or soundboards or dressing rooms for that not-so-stellar "Performing Arts" Auditorium at the MVMMS.

Re: Science Chair Leaving

I do not know if the science chair is leaving but all three of the middle school 8th grade math teachers are leave.

Re: Science Chair Leaving

Who needs math in 8th grade? They will fill the spots with some incompetent leftovers who have gotten to the end of August and still do not have jobs. Should be great for our kids.

Re: Science Chair Leaving

The science chair is now some sort of asst. principal in Chelsea. Good riddance. Chelsea will spit her out quickly. She was awful before she was even hired (heard one of her little condescending BS presentations). She talked baby-talk pretend science very loudly in the hopes that no one would notice that she really didn't know a thing about science or administration, just a lot of hooey about making her way up the administrative ladder. A working definition of charlatan. Now there is a new chair who's never been an administrator (naturally) who will be expecting our the few decent science teachers remaining to teach him his job. He's already discovered all sorts of laws being broken (in SPED, OSHA) and other kinds of gross negligence that passes for Exemplary under this administration. Maybe there's hope for this guy, but shame on CT for hiring yet another newbie at the expense of the students and the teachers who now have to work for and be evaluated by this rookie.

Re: Science Chair Leaving

All parents who have math or science students should VOTE NO on the Override......saw newbie (interim/acting) Donovan present Lincoln at SC meeting...Taymore introduced her as Winthrop School Principal, Donovan....I lost count on the number of times she said "UMMM".....all Lincoln parents should VOTE NO, too