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School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Every resident should take the the time to view school committee meetings at MMTV if they can't make the meetings in person. It is an absolute "educational" experience to see just how dysfunctional our school committee is and how undemocratic it is run by the current chairperson Ms. Driscoll. We all thought former chairperson Thorp, was a dictator, Ms. Driscoll has her beat - hands down. The Tuesday, March 9th version is just an example of what I mean.

One of the main sessions is "public input" at the beginning of each meeting - but it is clearly something that they are compelled to do by procedure rather than to be used for valuable input and feedback from the community about their efforts. Typically only one person speakes during the public session, Gerry Mroz, an educational activist who clearly and with great reasoning provides his expertise and rationale for pursuing educational initiatives. But as you can see from Tuesday's tape of the meeting, Ms. Driscoll is watching her clock to be sure that he doesn't speak for more than 5 minutes - after all - that is the requirement for each speaker even though only one person typically speaks during the public session - and following procedures is more important than content - according to Ms. Driscoll.

She had to shout down Gerry to show him who is boss at Tuesday's meeting! Great job, Ms. Driscoll - you showed him who is boss! The soon to be formed "Commission on Women" would be so proud of you!

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Mroz took his message directly to the voters of Melrose when he ran for the
School Committee. He finished dead last. He was very effective in getting his message across as he speaks at every single SC meeting. However,the voters of Melrose very clearly rejected his message. As a member of the public he has every right to speak for his 5 minutes at every meeting. However, the SC should represent the will of the voters and the voters clearly do not want to follow the paths that Mroz would like to take. Driscoll is doing exactly the right thing when she ignores his ideas.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

I beg to differ. If you asked a random sampling of Melrose voters exactly what Mr. Mroz's message is or ideas are, not one in fifty could tell you. I watch every SC meeting, and honestly, I have to really pay attention to get an idea what he is talking about. His delivery is mind-numbing, and the average voter won't spend the time it takes listening to him to figure out what he's actually saying. When you do make the effort, it's clear he has his facts straight, and most of his ideas make a lot of sense. He gets ignored because what he says is contrary to what the SC wants to hear.

Driscoll? That's another story. Her incoherent ramblings make my head spin, and that insipid grin make me want to vomit. Every time I try to follow what she says, I end up wondering on what planet she spends most of her time, and being thankful I gave up Glenfiddich years ago.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

I was a Johhny Walker Black man myself, 27yrs 3 months 9 days ago, but this current fiasco makes me want to start again! [:)]

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Don't bother Geezer - even after 2 glasses of wine - Driscoll still seems incoherent!

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

He wants to make the Melrose schools an experimental lab for his crazy ideas. Melrose residents got that. If his message failed to resonate with voters it is his failure, not the failure of the voters. You may not like the process of voting in members of the SC, but it is as fair a process as there is. He tried, he lost, his ideas are rejected by voters. He gets his 5 minutes each week but the SC isabsolutely right to disregard his views. They were all elected by the voters and should move forward with their own perspective. As is popular to say these days, elections have consequences. The consequence for GM is that he does not get to force his mind-numbing ideas on the voters of Melrose.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Voters have spoken
He wants to make the Melrose schools an experimental lab for his crazy ideas. Melrose residents got that. If his message failed to resonate with voters it is his failure, not the failure of the voters. You may not like the process of voting in members of the SC, but it is as fair a process as there is. He tried, he lost, his ideas are rejected by voters. He gets his 5 minutes each week but the SC isabsolutely right to disregard his views. They were all elected by the voters and should move forward with their own perspective. As is popular to say these days, elections have consequences. The consequence for GM is that he does not get to force his mind-numbing ideas on the voters of Melrose.

Spoken by a true ignorant and totally "out-to-lunch" person! The election of school committee members does not mean they don't have to listen to concerned citizens or totally ignore their input. Have you taken the time to read the statutory requirement of our school committee and their written and approved guidelines? They even state in them how they are to listen and interact with the public on their feedback to the committee and take in consideration their thoughts and recommendations when deliberating about policies. Of course that does not mean they have to go along with all of them. Everyone has a right and an obligation to make the school committee aware of their opinions on school policies no matter what your background or experience is. We all have a stake n the education of our children- and for you to demean the input of such an educated and knowledgeable person such as Gerry Mroz when he makes his opinions known to the committee - says more about your ignorance and lack of understanding of the role of a school committee. Now please take the time to educate yourself about this matter and then come back and apologize to the public!

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

I've watched and listened. His experimental ideas are not being used in any of the great school districts across this state. They aren't a good fit for Melrose and the voters have made that clear.
I agree that the election of the SC does not mean they don't have to listen to concerned citizens. My argument is that they ARE LISTENING to their concerned citizens by ignoring the ideas of a candidate that lost by a large margin despite having ample time to present his ideas to the voters.
He has every right to come forward each week and present his ideas to the SC. They are obligated to listen, but have no obligation to implement any of his ideas. This can, and should, continue.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Voters have spoken
I've watched and listened. His experimental ideas are not being used in any of the great school districts across this state. They aren't a good fit for Melrose and the voters have made that clear.
I agree that the election of the SC does not mean they don't have to listen to concerned citizens. My argument is that they ARE LISTENING to their concerned citizens by ignoring the ideas of a candidate that lost by a large margin despite having ample time to present his ideas to the voters.
He has every right to come forward each week and present his ideas to the SC. They are obligated to listen, but have no obligation to implement any of his ideas. This can, and should, continue.

I don't know who you are or what your educational experience is in the city but from what you just wrote - I'm not impressed with your comments. If you have listened to Gerry Mroz over the past several years - he consistently encourages this school committee to attend some the State Board of Education meetings in Malden to learn more about what is actually going on in other districts and what recommendations are coming out from the state. Gerry attends these meetings every month - faithfully - and interacts with representatives from other school districts to learn what is working and what is not. I know this because we often talk about these meetings. I don't think that any our committee people have ever attended these meetings...except maybe for CKK. Our school committee works in a vacuum except when the sh*t hits the fan and then they get religion - like in the OCR complaints.

On another issue - Gerry spoke about school choice ever since Taymore joined the school district -as a result of his analytical analysis of school space and teacher/student ratio and how much money the district could take in to spend on other needed programs. She finally gave in a year ago and allowed this in the high school and now we have 20 students from outside the district there and she is planning to add another 20 in the Middle School which will bring in $100,000's of dollars to the school system. Gerry's recommendation have been consistently years ahead of the current school admin efforts.

Gerry is am accomplished statistician who has a special skill in analyzing data to evaluate how programs and activities are working and accomplishing their goals . He has repeatedly volunteered his analytical tools and analysis methods to school committee members, especially those tools used to evaluate MCAS results to learn what areas we need to focus our resources and activities for improvement. But as we have all learned - ignorance is bliss - and our school committee is in ecstasy!

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Both MFD and GM suffer from sever cases of OCD. MFD with Melrose Messages, Rob Dolan, and the buffet line, and GM with the SC and Melrose Public School system. Being married to either one of these fools must be a marital bliss. These guys need therapy in a bad, bad way.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Both MFD and GM suffer from sever cases of OCD. MFD with Melrose Messages, Rob Dolan, and the buffet line, and GM with the SC and Melrose Public School system. Being married to either one of these fools must be a marital bliss. These guys need therapy in a bad, bad way.

I love it when you hit a "nerve" with some people - they can't seem to say any thing intelligible so they resort to name calling. Just love it!

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Wasn't me, but c'mon...give credit to a funny post even when you don't agree with it.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

What's funny about it? And why is Mroz an issue at all? I thought we were discussing the abysmal performance of the SC.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

The school committee is still as abysmal as ever. The new members aren't making any difference, but did anyone really expect they would?

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

You are dead wrong. He has a daughter in the system now and had two others in the system prior. He is a citizen who is paying taxes here. Why he cares is his business. That he cares is a benefit to all of us, whether ignorant posters like "and yet" recognize or respect that or not.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Anyone who would conflate the words "mind-numbing" with the sophistication and intelligence of Mr. M demonstrates his or her own limitations. These limited types have the attention span of a gnat and prefer the pre-chewed soundbytes of Taymore, Picone, Driscoll, Dolan, and the lockstep MEF types. It's quite pathetic. In communities all around us there are intelligent and in-depth discussions that take place routinely about education issues. Not in Melrose. Not allowed or "appropriate"! Here we are confined to what is "allowed" by the spin-nazis who are controlling the flow of information or the kinds of discourse that can take place. Anyone who doesn't think Taymore ("I will tell you...."), Dolan (Mr. "Incredible") or Driscoll's (Ms. "Appropriate") blatherings are "mind-numbing" is far beyond an effective reality check.

What Mr. M conveys is only "mind-numbing" to those who have purposely closed their minds in favor of their Disney version of Melrose. These types love their Trivia Bees and other silly and provincial little socials where they can all pat themselves on their collective backs and reassure each other about how great they all are, even if the blatant and ugly reality of a grossly failed system that is hurting real children and their teachers (and all of us taxpayers) is staring them in the faces. Those calling Mr. M "mind-numbing" are the epitome of sanctimonious hypocrites. They will just have a few more drinks and carry on because they really couldn't care less about what's real, let alone intelligent considerations that could make real improvements for everyone's kids and that any decent community would be grateful to learn about.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

I have to laugh at this - I didn't say his message was mind-numbing. I said his delivery was mind-numbing, and that I have to really pay attention to understand what he's trying to say. When you cut through the really bad delivery and get to the facts, he makes a lot of sense. Go back and read my post again, and if you can't understand the difference, perhaps it's you who have a tiny mind.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

Hey "Disagree," you were not the only one to use that phrase "mind-numbing":

"Voters have spoken
Feb 16, 2016 - 8:42AM
Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th
He wants to make the Melrose schools an experimental lab for his crazy ideas. Melrose residents got that. If his message failed to resonate with voters it is his failure, not the failure of the voters. You may not like the process of voting in members of the SC, but it is as fair a process as there is. He tried, he lost, his ideas are rejected by voters. He gets his 5 minutes each week but the SC isabsolutely right to disregard his views. They were all elected by the voters and should move forward with their own perspective. As is popular to say these days, elections have consequences. The consequence for GM is that he does not get to force his mind-numbing ideas on the voters of Melrose."

Discrediting this incredibly generous and knowledgeable volunteer (and parent of Melrose Public School students) in our community is a favorite hobby for the Vuvu/ClownPatrol/Dolan/MEF types. To them nothing, absolutely nothing is sacred.

Maybe you did not mean any harm or disrespect, but certainly the other poster(s) did.

I happen to agree with "tiny minds" in the overall assessment of the lousy mentality of too many in the school community.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

FYI: What is the meaning of this March 9 reference? It is a mystery! MFD, perhaps you could elucidate? Are you referring to March 9 of 2014? If so, could you please include a link to the video and where in the video you would like us to watch?

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

I have to laugh at this - I didn't say his message was mind-numbing. I said his delivery was mind-numbing, and that I have to really pay attention to understand what he's trying to say. When you cut through the really bad delivery and get to the facts, he makes a lot of sense. Go back and read my post again, and if you can't understand the difference, perhaps it's you who have a tiny mind.

I just re-read this posting - yes - it's true that you really need to focus on what Gerry is saying to understand his positions on education. The topics he discusses can seem boring and more process related but the members of the school committee know exactly what he is referring to. Gerry knows a lot about the "inside politics" of the committee and tries to encourage them to leave them aside when deciding educational issues. - but it takes a majority vote to change things and it is not just there at this time to make needed changes. In this regard, Jessica Dugan has been an abject failure - much was expected from her and much disappointment has been the result of her contributions for change. Let's hope better results from Ed and Liz - we shall see.

Re: School Committee - Tuesday, March 9th

The topics he discusses can seem boring and more process related....

My point exactly, and it goes to the reason why not one in 50 voters could tell you his positions - only one in 50 has either the patience or the inclination to pay attention. The SC knows this full well, which is why they can feel secure in ignoring him and shutting him down. And yet, week in and week out, he tries. He and CKK demonstrate a special kind of courage - the courage of their convictions - not often seen in our little burb.

And BTW - if you're waiting for Ed to make a difference, I'd advise against holding your breath.