I listened to the School Comittee meeting last night and heard part of what the Mayor was saying about GIC increases because of budget restraints due to override fail. Did anyone listen to entire meeting? I may have heard wrong. Thank you
RD was full of sturm and drang last night, pounding his fists about the "crisis" and then contradicting himself with "it's not dire...." He was thrusting his fists in our faces and deeming absolutes, that THERE WON'T BE ANOTHER DIME for the schools, that he was determined to "tell us right now"!!!!!! When he wasn't being overtly threatening, he went back to having his pointed two hands and fingers up his nose, thinking, plotting about the next moment when he could barge in with another menacing speech about those "messages" sent at the election last November. It would have been shocking to hear a mayor talking so unprofessionally and so contemptuously disregarding the Separation of Powers, the three chambers of government that are supposed to exist. It wasn't shocking, though, because this kind of contemptuous conduct is what Melrose has come to expect from this despot. Let's see how he blusters when someday he is forced to resign or skulk off when one of the many scandals brewing forces his hand.
What did you expect? He didn't get his way and now he's in the midst of another juvenile temper tantrum like the ******* little brat that he is and has always been.
Health Insurance costs are rising for everyone (except current and retired BOA members who USE taxpayer $ for personal benefit). GIC is not going up because of budget restraints or the fact that the Override failed. The Mayor was sending a message related to "free cash" bailing out the MPS. It isn't happening again. He (and the MEF mommies and "Yes" folks) must accept and manage city monies better because the voters of Melrose said STOP! The biz mis-manager couldn't even account for the checks which were written and approved. Astonishing! Loved how CT constantly shuffled papers around to read her "data" but never had the needed folder or materials available. So, she just talked off the top of her head throwing around the usual meaningless jargon. She should have been prepared for the meeting and questioning. Just another example of her incompetence. I wonder if the focus of Executive Session held before the SC meeting last night was about her firing/resigning for "health reasons". Astonishing!
If the number of city and school employees working less than 35 hours and/or the number earning a salary less than the 22,000.00 health insurance policy were all made public, there would be a call for Dolan's resignation also. Those health-insurance costs alone are in the millions.