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Lack of Communication Examples

During the recent SC meeting the topic of communication was discussed yet again. I just don't understand how this school system can be so inept at simple communication. As a parent, I have received several emails regarding the career fair tonight at the Middle School. Has my High School student received any information directly from the school regarding this event, NO! Has the guidance department encouraged students to attend and discussed how this will benefit them? NO!

MPS, get your act together. It's really not that hard and it doesn't require a PR firm for $10,000.

I suggest, we all post instances of poor communication here so that the MPS can truly understand the frustration of the parents and students and maybe even learn how and what to communicate.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Is there any chance that your cherub was told but really wasn't that focused on the career night?

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Is there any chance that your cherub was told but really wasn't that focused on the career night?

Sorry to disappoint you but, NO my cherub was not told about it and neither was the rest of the school. The information on career night was only posted to the website on Monday and the fair was yesterday. What does that tell you? They may be holding a career fair but sadly they didn't bother to communicate this information to the students and impress upon them the reasons to attend. They did email the parents but never told the students.

That's the big thing wrong with the MPS. The students are not the Admins top priority. Too bad, not a big fix. Shift the focus off themselves and focus on the students and a lot of crap would be fixed quickly.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

That's the big thing wrong with the MPS. The students are not the Admins top priority. Too bad, not a big fix. Shift the focus off themselves and focus on the students and a lot of crap would be fixed quickly.

Why I voted NO on the Override !

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

It is not so much the lack of communication, but the poor communication, the vicious way they communicate particularly when you are presenting a problem or a complaint. The school administration goes into immediate aggressive mode to scare you into just going away. And this aggressive-combative behavior towards parents by the superintendent, assistant superintendent, various principals and the city solicitor is exactly what put our city into this mess in the first place. $500,000 of taxpayer dollars in legal fees, public relations costs and mandatory civil rights training on top of potential civil suits.....Be prepared for one of Dolan's "we need more money" sob stories while his handpicked "exemplary" superintendent squanders our hard earned money to protect her and her "exemplary" administrators when it was meant for educating our kids.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Thank you MPS for yet again not having your act together. Tomorrow, March 10th there is a College Fair at the HS. Is information on this posted on the website? NO! Have the students been told about the college night this week at school? NO! What do these people do all day if they can't even muster up the energy to encourage the students to attend an event that the HS is hosting? Now that I've posted information on the HS College Fair here, the MPS can give me part of the $10,000 ear marked for the PR firm to help them communicate. Apparently, telling students and families about a college fair at the HS doesn't come from the $10,000 PR Firm. I guess their communication is reserved for spinning information and not communicating with students and families on things that are really important to their success.

Again, I have to say, it's not that hard. Put the students first and things will fall into place. Clearly, the students are no where near the priority. How sad!

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

My child was aware of the college fair and let me know last week. Perhaps the lack of communication is in your household????

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

We got at least 5 e-mails. Maybe you need to sign up to get them?

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

I'm the parent, and I received the emails, three of them. The first on 2/25, then 3/2 and then again today. And, if you took a look at the power point presentation attached in the emails on 2/25 and 3/2 you will see that they used last year's presentation which has out of date information in it. Lazy!

I'm talking about the students. They have not received encouragement or directive from the school on this event. Just look at the daily announcements. Not mentioned one time. This is supposed to be in support of the students and yet, the students are left in the dark about this. Shouldn't encouraging students to attend a college night hosted by their school be a big priority? Isn't college the intended end result for the students attending MHS?

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Hey MHS how did you decide which students would receive extra credit as a bribe to attend the career fair?????

Hey MHS how come certain NHS students are allowed to park in the teachers lot every day and never get reported. It is all BS, favoritism and discrimination.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

It is totally discriminatory to announce (only to certain students) that "extra credit" would be given to those students attending the poorly advertised College Fair. METCO students cannot avail themselves, nor can poorer students who have work or family commitments taking care of younger siblings. This is just another example of the Buxton/Farrell insensitivity to any but their favorites. It is also something that OCR would cite the school for if reported because it is a classic example of the subtle kinds of discrimination that this school district does all the time.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Who is Ms Farrell? LOL

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Face it they wanted to fill the space with the usuals. Very discriminate.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Another MHS morale crusher

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

I'm confused. Metco students can participate in extracurricular activities outside of academic hours, like athletics and band, however, holding a college fair is discriminatory? That makes no sense to me.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

It's discriminatory if some get extra credit for going, and others don't which is what is alleged to have happened. Discrimination isn't only racial.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Not alleged, it happened. In an effort to get enough of the "right" students to attend, teachers bribed specific classes with extra credit. Probably all honors and AP because CP students might cause a scene and are not worthy. That is discrimination.

Just like the students who were reported for parking in the students lot and called out, while others park there everyday and the admin looks the other way.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

There are advantages when Mommie and Daddy support Mr. Dolan and donate to MEF.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Very true, are they going to go to college with their kids? Pulling strings hurts in the long run.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

MHS Student
Not alleged, it happened. In an effort to get enough of the "right" students to attend, teachers bribed specific classes with extra credit. Probably all honors and AP because CP students might cause a scene and are not worthy. That is discrimination.

Just like the students who were reported for parking in the students lot and called out, while others park there everyday and the admin looks the other way.

I'd like to know which classes and teachers and the amount of extra credit. Not fair on any level. My guess is the Guidance Department realized at the last moment that they never told students about the college night so in desperation had to offer something to get students there last minute.

Same ole MPS.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Hmmm... Well then, it would appear that the guidance counselors are reading Melrose defiance of King Robbie and Queen Cyndy.

Re: Lack of Communication Examples

Corruption and favoritism. Too little too late for graduating MHS students. The place was full of younger students and MHS students that received extra credit for the most part. Most students were unaware of the break out sessions. It was a big PR move and was ineffective other than being a resume builder for a few.