Public Hearing on SC budget in violation of Mass State Laws...Again
For the second year in a row, the Melrose School Committee is in violation of MGL Ch 71, Section 38N, which requires "A PUBLIC HEARING in which ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE HEARD FOR OR AGAINST THE WHOLE OR ANY PART OF THE PROPOSED BUDGET". Being required to send e-mails to the SC in advance of the meeting and hoping your e-mail will be read by an SC member, possibly edited and then addressed by the Super does not meet this requirement. To the School committee and SC Chair: When do you intend to schedule the public hearing required by Mass State Law??
Section 38N
Proposed annual budgets; public hearings required; quorum
Section 38N. The school committee of each city, town or regional school district shall hold a public hearing on its proposed annual budget not less than seven days after publication of a notice thereof in a newspaper having general circulation in such city, town or district. Prior to such public hearing said committee shall make available to the public at least one copy of said proposed budget for a time period of not less than forty-eight hours either at the office of the superintendent of schools or at a place so designated by said committee. At the time and place so advertised or at any time or place to which such hearing may from time to time be adjourned ALL interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be HEARD for or against the whole or any part of the proposed budget. Such hearing shall be conducted by a quorum of the school committee. For the purposes of this section a quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of said school committee.
Re: Public Hearing on SC budget in violation of Mass State Laws...Again
Sad to see you talk so cavalierly about the rule of law, public participation and democracy as a whole. Because it's all slipping away here in Melrose.
Re: Public Hearing on SC budget in violation of Mass State Laws...Again
In King Robbie Melrose has its own Trump, complete with a nasty fake-Dem cabal always at the ready with MEF and SC attack dogs. He hasn't yet demanded a Sig Heil, but he's every bit as immature and infatuated with his own sense of power. If he hadn't squandered so much of his political capital and cut off the possibility of the bright political future he once had, he would be well on his way towards gathering more and more of an inflated view of himself in the higher echelons of political power. As it is, he knows he's blown it so he just has to content himself to being a bloated big fish in this murky little pond, where he can impress the young parents too gullible to be able to see through his patronage schemes and phony promises.
Re: Public Hearing on SC budget in violation of Mass State Laws...Again
That RD would trumpet Taymore's "award" is beyond absurd. He should be doing the dance and cutting his losses as fast as he can, and instead is trying to demonstrate his "support" (Driscoll's PR word in relation to CT). Really dumb on their part. They think they are teflon-coated and will ride out the little OCR and CKK kerfluffles, none of which they think reflect on them or their colossally failed leadership and grotesque abuse of power.