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Campaign Finances re Failed Yes Campaign

So Linda O gave $1,000
Dolan's campaign gave "in-kind" printing
etc. etc.

No mystery about who is connected to whom

and this link is just for the pre-election report

Re: Campaign Finances re Failed Yes Campaign

They have to submit a report after the election, at the end of 2015. I don't see any posted on the city website. They must not want that pesky public looking at who is buying who.

Re: Campaign Finances re Failed Yes Campaign

Election Finances
They have to submit a report after the election, at the end of 2015. I don't see any posted on the city website. They must not want that pesky public looking at who is buying who.

Shouldn't it be filed with the state? They definitely don't want to reveal their interrelated activities.

Wasn't Linda O the person who got mad, angry, when someone called her out for her vociferous support of the override. When it was mentioned that the override could benefit her real estate business personally, she acted like they were making wild accusations. Me thinks that guy was right about her. $1K says I'm right.

Re: Campaign Finances re Failed Yes Campaign

You are right. Dolan's been in bed with her so long they might as well be wearing the same set of pajamas.

Re: Campaign Finances re Failed Yes Campaign

Dr. Dentons