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Middle school is a nightmare

This issue is just the latest in a school that has no direction, no supervision and absolutely no accountability. Every week we parents, receive a new email about different concerns, intimidations, rumors, sexual exploits of minors that we are to be made aware only by default. I feel the administration let's us know only because they are obligated to. They do not notify us for concern or support, but merely to get us to ask our children for specifics of the happenings because they have no idea what is going on!! The teachers are babysitters who are failing our students on a daily basis. The most recent incident is an accusation of a teacher (African American) slapping an 8th grade girl (also African American, not a Metco student, a Melrose resident). Absolutely out of control, the mere accusation is enough to show that Conway has absolutely no idea what is going on in that building and basically doesn't care. We went from students kicking each other to teachers slapping students, really? Disgraceful!!!

Re: Middle school is a nightmare

Hey - don't blame Brent Conway - he is only emulating Taymore who recently received the superintendent's leadership award and one who all shall emulate!Didn't you read the citation on the award?

Re: Middle school is a nightmare

Read Colleen Murphy's letter in yesterday's Free Press. I certainly hope that she forwards a copy to the OCR team which is monitoring our schools. I applaud her courage, writing ability and call for action. I agree that parents must come together and change the status quo. CT calls for patience regarding this latest fiasco at MMVMS. Patience has run out and she needs to be run out of town ASAP!

Middle school is middle school

I have to disagree. First of all, you are blowing the situation at hand completely out of proportion.

My kids have loved the middle school. They've been on 504s and IEPs that have been adhered to with kindness and attention. They have loved many of their teachers and have stayed after school to just hang out with them. When there have been issues of bullying for one of my kids, I heard from the administration immediately and it was dealt with very seriously. My kids have done well on their MCAS/PARCC scores, and I haven't seen a lot of teaching to the test to get them there.

Middle school is middle school - I am not sure the last time you were in a middle school building, but middle schoolers are tough - socially and emotionally. It is hard to teach them and they make stupid mistakes. But that doesn't mean that the school administration doesn't care of doesn't have things under control.

I'm really tired of the bashing on the site. If you have a better plan, post it here. Stop the trash threads. We get it, there are thousands of posts on what you all think is wrong. Why don't you use this forum to say what you think should be done to make things right instead.

Re: Middle school is middle school

Oh sure, "middle school parent," it's all good. Glad you are so happy with things. You no doubt think that the United States Office of Civil Rights was just "bashing" and those complaints are just "completely out of proportion," too. If you're tired of reading what you find here, then don't. There are many who have indeed stated, written, and posted what could be done differently by contrast. You just don't want to hear it. You are definitely part of the problem! Your verbal pom-poms ring hollow against the backdrop of the truth that just cannot be concealed, regardless of how many dollars are paid to PR firms or incompetent attorneys.

Re: Middle school is middle school

tired refrain
If you're tired of reading what you find here, then don't.

You are right. This is not the place to be posting any positive experience having to do with the school system. Continue on with the bashing, sorry for the interruption. Thank you for the advice.

Re: Middle school is middle school

middle school parent
tired refrain
If you're tired of reading what you find here, then don't.

You are right. This is not the place to be posting any positive experience having to do with the school system. Continue on with the bashing, sorry for the interruption. Thank you for the advice.

Just curious - have you attended any school committee meeting? There is so much disrespect shown by the members towards any public speakers who comment or critique their actions. It is truly a demeaning experience unlike other city committee or commission meetings I have spoken before. Or have you had to speak to Taymore or any of her admin staff about a problem? Just try to and see what kind of reaction you get from them - then report back to us. Chances are - you will then agree with the rest of us.

Re: Middle school is middle school

Middle school parent
I have to disagree. First of all, you are blowing the situation at hand completely out of proportion.

My kids have loved the middle school. They've been on 504s and IEPs that have been adhered to with kindness and attention. They have loved many of their teachers and have stayed after school to just hang out with them. When there have been issues of bullying for one of my kids, I heard from the administration immediately and it was dealt with very seriously. My kids have done well on their MCAS/PARCC scores, and I haven't seen a lot of teaching to the test to get them there.

Middle school is middle school - I am not sure the last time you were in a middle school building, but middle schoolers are tough - socially and emotionally. It is hard to teach them and they make stupid mistakes. But that doesn't mean that the school administration doesn't care of doesn't have things under control.

I'm really tired of the bashing on the site. If you have a better plan, post it here. Stop the trash threads. We get it, there are thousands of posts on what you all think is wrong. Why don't you use this forum to say what you think should be done to make things right instead.

Very happy to hear that your children's 504s and IEPs have been met in a manner satisfactory to you. The problem arises when parents don't feel this is case. Then it seems to fall apart.
Some parents know their rights up front better and start with an independent diagnosis for example, making sure to get the most beneficial one. Other parents start out relying too heavily on the good will of the school system and that turns into a fatal error. Depending on the need, the accommodation, etc. MPS might be less inclined to provide it.
As a sped kid, it is practically printed on the IEP that your child is more susceptible to being bullied,so the admin had to tell you if they know you know there are consequences.

Re: Middle school is middle school

Blowing the situation out of hand? Are you serious? So you think it's ok for one of these lovely teachers you speak of to put their hands on your children if they are "just being middle schoolers" because I'm sorry But I do not agree. I do not agree with a lot of the goings on at this school and have made a decision to remove my child at the end of the year. I will continue to pay taxes in this city and also pay a private school tuition so that I may insure my child gets a quality education and walks away with academic knowledge and not just a mindset that racial slurs by adults, physical altercations by adults and full out disrespect is the norm.

That's great your kids love their teachers so much they hang out afterschool with them, but I'm thinking those teachers should spread the love a bit and focus on all students, not just the ones that sit politely and say "yes ma'am whatever you say." They are teachers they need to understand he environment they are working in, the audience in which they will be judged. If they don't want to work with these kids, then they should not be there.