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The AD, PR is retiring at the end of the academic year. Why is she out in San Diego at the "Safe Steps" conference with the SpEd Director and MAAV's Mooney? I'm assuming a grant is paying the travel, hotel and per diem costs. RM and PW-L SHOULD be sponsored. But it would have been a much better use of $ to send another task force member who will be actually be working in the MPS next year instead of PR. NO Class!

Re: Junket?

Wasteful if true. Tax payer dollars for this? But let's moan and groan about the budget.
Someone else should have been able to go.

Re: Junket?

Google MAAV's Facebook page for proof.

Re: Junket?

"Melrose Alliance Against Violence with Rebecca Mooney.
7 hrs ·

Pat Ruggiero, Rebecca Mooney & Patti White-Lambright of the Safe STEPS for Teens Leadership Team are in San Diego attending an excellent conference on domestic violence and the impact on children, among other things. The conference is also about resiliency and hope!"

Maura If pat is retiring why did she go? A guidance counselor should have gone

Melrose Alliance Against Violence
Melrose Alliance Against Violence Pat has been a champion of the project and is planning to stay involved after retiring.

Re: Junket?

A Guidance Professional, School Psychologist, Social Worker or Teacher should be there. PR is overpaid and will collect a big fat pension from taxpayers. If her position is so important and needed why has the job description/role been changed and reduced? A goodbye retirement present/junket to San Dieago is a nice way to leave! NO class, Pat!

Re: Junket?

It's greedy of her to go. There is someone, such as a guidance counselor, who could apply the training in everyday practical situations. It's fun to travel but she's acting selfishly.

Re: Junket?

It's not just greedy. It demonstrates a complete lack of integrity and calls into question the integrity and judgment of whoever allowed her to take this junket at taxpayer expense. Yet another terrible example set for the students and athletes of MPS. Just disgusting.