You mean yes voters are leaving Melrose? Cambridge or Brookline? You'll fit right in with all the other holier-than-thou residents of either place. Might save us from having to endure another override attempt after this one fails.
That's probably right. A comprehensive public safety project, if a real one even exits, which I doubt, might necessitate an override, which I would almost certainly vote in favor of. But to continue to throw multiple millions of dollars at a school department that has proven conclusively that it totally mismanages is insanity. Outplacements, legal fees for discrimination defenses, learning commons, modular classrooms (No Beebe Yes Beebe)- what on earth more do you need?
Would never consider an override until they remove the ex con from the school committee.
Yes the one who went to prison and the Bar of overseers disbarred because he can never be trusted again to represent clients. Now he is chairman of the school committee who will implement a 30 million school budget. When I talk to people across this city from all 7 wards I get the same response that the school committee is a laughing stock. Certainly not good optics when the city hall is trying to get support for a 5.18 million override.
Everyone in this community needs to know about his record before the special election. Its shows the school committee’ lack of judgement. It’s shameful that he is the chairman of the committee. How can anyone trust any numbers coming from him when he lied to steal from seniors.
The problem is there is just not one reason to vote against the override there are about 25 reasons. He is just one reason alone why many people would never support the override.Most people do not believe the gloom and doom scare tactics by city hall especially when you look at our financial statements. Others do not think the entire $5.18 million is needed or being allocated correctly. These are just a few. It’s tough for the yes side to have to play ping pong with so many reasons to vote no
I never even considered him as a reason to vote no against an override like the current one. My reasons for opposing it are stated above. End of story.
Parent of two Melrose school children. Would not even consider the merits of the override until he leaves the school Committee. He may have finished serving his jail sentence but he did not finish paying his restitution to his victims and the state Bar disbarred him from practicing Ever Again because he cannot be trusted after stealing from clients . Why he is the face of the School committee is beyond me!! Cannot believe SC would have made him chair with override coming up. He certainly entitled to move on with his life, but we don’t have to trust Him.
Maybe Ed won’t have access to the funds. But the optics look terrible having someone with his record be elected Chair unanimously. The judgement of the entire SC is suspect for many reasons and their choice of Chair reinforces that they often make poor decisions. Friends told me that Zwirko was campaigning for the Override on their street yesterday. Will Paul Brodeur be front and center canvassing for the Override, too? The Melrose Mayoral Campaign has begun and the BOA members will play games with every issue because of the Override. BOA President JL will be interesting to watch. On the MCG she showed her preference for Brodeur even “liking” several comments that declared her support for his candidacy and that she would be voting for him. The Emege alums have a wide agenda. They have been plotting and planning to run women everywhere. SH and EG are still mad that SMac got the Ward 5 seat. He will be their #1 target.
Parent of one kindergarten. My family, friends and neighbors won’t consider supporting an override as well until he leaves. Certainly will not trust anything coming from a school committee who votes a disbarred lawyer and ex convict as it chairman. What fantasy world is the school committee living in?
Calling someone lucky to be a one percenter because their child takes piano lessons and because of that they should be willing and have the money to just throw at the city. Sick minds.
Had a visit from an Alderman yesterday looking for override support. Is this even ethical? I feel as if it’s almost an intimidation tactic. I’ve had people come to the door for their own campaign, but never before for support for a question. I didn’t like it. I’m voting no.
I’m guessing M Z. He does not really no anything about the issues after his spoon fed talking points from OneMelrose. He called this process simple. Doesn’t appear he or the majority of the BOA can read a balance sheet.
I think Dolan got MZ spouse a job in city hall. She since left but It is no mystery why he is pushing for it. Talk about nepotism hires. Also we have a former BOA working in a position in city hall. When does this nonsense end!!!
Nobility didn’t buy groceries? The post was about having a pride in your occupation and the no campaign has not even started nor has anyone been out there yet so how did the no campaign call names. There isn’t one.. the yes campaign started the night of question and answer when the mayor elect decided to hold meetings that was a crxoknin rose to push the yes agenda.. now yes campaigners are trying to say the no people are the same? Lies, there a no campaign coming but it doesn’t start for another month..nice try but then again you’ll do whatever you can to intimidate and pressure people to your ways.. nobility is dead in this town.. money gets it all done, you can buy success? With the override your going to hope nobility buys groceries because a lot of people are going to be asking how they will pay for such things.. we open this door and it doesn’t just stop with the 5.18 million on top of the already added tax increase but then we have the library the police building, the. Taxes are what? At that point I’ll need nobility to buy a lot
I decided upon a career path out of nobility. To help children in need. Different standard for teachers? No but this seems to be the problem. Does anyone in this town have a moral compass to guide them. Is 72k not enough to help nurture bright minds? 6% is so far out there, I am sorry but it does look like greed. When school officail are making more than half the household average for income in Melrose and we sit back and say more will make it all better, it won't. Maybe teachers leave this town because the higher ups are absurd. I hear people saying we do not value school systems? Do you value the police department? The fire department? the department of health and human services? You are so one dimensional in your thinking. I am all for the school system but I am also fully aware it takes more than money to make a solid school system and that starts at the top. Taymore has no plan for the future of the schools. We saw that with PODS. When asked she admits there is not one. So we sit back with all this money and have no plan so that we don't end up back at this forumn talking about the same things. You voted and agreed with Adlerman that said these things are simple. The future of my childs well being is simple? No it is not. If the money is terrible then get another job, thats what private sector people do or get a second job, welcome to the world we all live in. My job doesn't pay enough I look for more work not ask an entire community to pay for it. Bcak to the person who says we don't value the school system, you don't value the everyday middle class worker trying to ensure their kids get what is needed. Melrose has done wonders for us. This preference being preached is insulting. Be greatful we have certain things because I know plenty of students and cities that do not. We came from a very tough area with poor schools but the funny part is those kids at those tough schools learn things like overcoming struggle, adversity and it makes them better for it. Melrose thinks hey a few million will just make everyone graduate with honors. Come one. Lets teach our kids that when trouble comes do not bother to ask questions, overcome, demand justification, just pay it off, throw millions at it. Those schools have teachers that would stay for half of what ours make because they believe in what they do..Nobility. Yes the people who are helping raise and turn my children into adults should be held to a higher standard. "For the kids" if that is the case then higher standards should be demanded and different standard attributed to those people. If they do not wish to have those standards placed upon them, maybe a less noble path should be taken. But in Melrose we hold no one accountable. How much more do we have to pay in lawsuits for the schools. How much more mis mangement can we handle by te heirarchy that runs the system. We hold no one accountable for anything and you want to ask me to fork over money that I simply do not have for what? My kids are flourishing. Let me say yes to a 6% increase when I work two jobs to be able to stay in this town which is no longer affordable because of this mis management. The teachers have a voice in the Mayor and the Committe and the Union. Who is the voice for the others. Who speaks for the "lowly" worker i apparently am in this town. No one... That is okay because nobility matters, it once mattered so much more. But in this world everything is individuality and paychecks? Sad. I hope my children learn that not everything is about money . Sometimes doing something for less but doing good is of more value than the big pay day. Do not insult nobility because if this world in general had more of it, it would be a better place.
100% agree that money is not the answer to better schools. My children graduated 3 and 5 years ago. Just two off hand examples of the kind of teachers at the HS: I remember my son saying that he watched movies all year in a senior math class because the kids didn’t want to do work. The teacher gave up. Both my children had the Spanish teacher for who just resigned, or was let go for more than one year each. They both claim the learned nothing. He was too busy worrying about lunch or going to the bathroom. I felt bad for the man. From the way they described him he sounded depressed. I wasn’t worried. My children had good grades. They got into college and are pursuing their chosen career paths. Elementary teachers were fine. The Middle school had some doozies but it’s up to each child and their parents what they get out of it and more money won’t change that. I am now focused on helping my children as much as I can with college and student loans. That’s where I want to invest, not in more taxes. Vote no.
Had a very similar experience. Thankfully mine also seem to be doing very well at college, although several of their friends not so much. They will probably pass, but will most likely not excel in any way. Someone posted recently that whatever success Melrose students are having is in spite of Taymore, not because of her. I would agree completely. Things will not improve until she's gone along with that bunch of administrators she fostered, and that gaggle of fools on the SC. They are all truly pathetic. Voting no now, and until they are gone. More money is not the answer. It's a cliche, but the definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
This is a middle class community, enough with these override pushes. Plus the only override that would pass would be police/fire building, and even that would be a close vote. Not everyone lives on Larchmont road. Knock it off.
Melrose has not passed an override in 25 years. That is proof alone that there is no need and never was.
At the end of the day there is no dispute the average tax bill in Melrose is in the top 30% in the state.
In Boston Magazine listing of 125 top public schools in the greater boston area, Melrose is listed as #62. OneMelrose argues on its literature that Stoneham, Wakefield,Malden & Saugus spend more per pupil. However, that has not resulted in a better ranking as all of those schools are ranked well below Melrose according to the attached study. Money throwing obviously isn’t the answer. Between this argument and the tax rate argument presented by OneMelrose, I’m starting to wonder what side of the argument the OneMelrose marketing director really is on.
Yeah - the police and fire buildings - like the fire building that has a floor in danger of collapse, and the police building that is full of asbestos and has a telephone switchboard that's so old there is no one left alive that knows how to fix it. Were you not paying attention when the PD just got three new vehicles because the ones they replaced had to be jump-started and had over 100,000 miles on them (and that's not running time - it's actual mileage)? Cops spend time in the station a lot writing reports, etc,etc. Doesn't mean they're hanging around in there with their thumbs up their a$$es.
Can somebody tell me succinctly and specifically how this override is going to improve public education in Melrose?
I can't believe you are complaining. You probably would walk blocks to get your coffee downtown. Why aren't you worried about the bigger problems in Melrose schools?
Again with the scare tactics. The “Mayor” says we’re facing a 600k deficit. How convenient. True or not if we weren’t facing an override we wouldn’t be hearing about this. Let me guess. If the override passes and taxes go up they will collect them in the knick of time to save us. And if we’re already 600k in the Red and need so much more, how much will they raise our taxes? The sky’s the limit. There is certainly no reason for Melrose to be in such bad shape.
The teachers are the lowest paid. Paraprofessionals are some of lowest paid. So by logic and since our water bills are astronomical we should at least be in the same shape as towns with slightly higher taxes who pay their teachers well and build new public service buildings.
I refuse to give in to scare tactics and I refuse to vote for this under a non-elected mayor.
A reporter posted the Mayors statement on the MMCP and the admin blocked comments! Why?
The amount of the increase has been defined. I do believe it is within bounds to ask to have the $600k deficit explained and not simply taken at face value. City revenues will be increasing 2.5% plus and new growth/permits. What pessimistic assumptions are built into suddenly being in a deficit position? I look forward to hearing these from the city and then we can all measure their validity.
They claim almost every year to be running a deficit, and every year it somehow miraculously disappears. Sometimes it's from unspent funds from other departments, and sometimes from free cash. Think about the term free cash for minute. The money is there.
I'm awaiting their next cry of wolf - when they propose a so-called spending freeze, which isn't a spending freeze at all, but another Dello Russo scam.
I'll limit my response to the $600k for now. This pertains to the 2020 Budget which is not public record and is just now being formed. This would have been the first time this amount was referenced. There is no supporting detail behind this number right now, but presumably there will be, and at that point we can analyze if it is legitimate or based on overly pessimistic assumptions.
Is there a plan yet for the reopening of the Beebe....NO
Is there a plan to replace the police and fire stations....NO
I will only vote to increase my taxes when police and fire become a priority.
????. We have had an increasing amount of free cash for the last 10 years!!!
3.6 million free cash certified by the state for the prior fiscal year can now be carried over to FY 2019.Amount of certified free cash from the five previous fiscal years. Has risen dramatically.Since 2009 we have had free cash of at least 1.5 million from the previous fiscal year certified by the state. Why aren’t we seeing which budget line items are being over funded continuously and the revolving accounts working some of that into the budget rather than relying on free cash to fund the schools. Since 2009 ithas been a continuous source of funding. There was a free cash balance of approximately 3.6 million that came over from FY 2018 after the state certified it. Last month BOA allocated 1.1 million of it . In the 2017 fiscal year it was 4.32 million.
To Come On, Man - In any other town, I'd agree with you, but here they build in "free cash" for exactly that reason. That account used to be called "excess and deficiency", and was put there specifically to cover possible deficits. Changing the name doesn't change the purpose. The name was changed exactly so they could use the argument you are making. It's baloney. The money is there, and will be there next year too. Dello Russo strikes again.
How do I know this, you may ask? You figure it out. The answer should be obvious.
Wow!! Override is currently projected to lose 63%-37%. So much for that early canvassing!!
That's probably pretty close. But don't worry, they'll be back in a couple more years trying again, and using the same pack of lies. I was always ambivalent about Infurna, but not any more. She's Dolan in a dress.
I agree that is what the final result will probably turn out to be give or take 5% points.The sad thing is the no side has no even started campaigning yet and they lead by that margin. Always thought the demographics would determine the override result.
"She’s making it up, obviously. I’m impressed she can add up to 100!"
Could be. Sort of like saying there's a 600K deficit when there really isn't.
One Melrose - as long as you agree with them. It's a walking, talking oxymoron.
Importantly voters do not trust the folks running City Hall.
Thanks to Melrose Messages, Melrosians were able to get timely information and opinion on these big stories.
There was none. Suddenly there was plenty. Millions of free cash magically shows up every year.