A group of citizens agreeing to run as a slate for both boards, giving each other the strength and wisdom base (since there is a steep learning curve), would begin to fix things. Melrose does not need more of the current batch of clones. It needs common sense advocates. Certainly there have to be plenty of caring and thoughtful individuals from which to choose in such a community. It's past time for them to step up. It's not enough to complain from the shadows, being afraid "to rock the boat," or any of the other lame excuses too many spout here.
Similarly, citizens need to come together to say no to this freight train called the Override about to steamroll over Melrose in order to line the greedy pockets of administration and do nothing to improve anything. It can be derailed, as similar efforts by some of the same players have been in past years. But citizens have to step up and not stay asleep at the wheel. This campaign has money and might, all of which will be meaningless if citizens demand truth and accountability instead. Send this Override Overboard!
The Yes Campaign has begun and is extremely aggressive. already asking for money during the holidays..That i find silly since well if the schools need it so bad why don't they donate. But people need to know why NOT. There is plenty of information to give them. The word needs to be spread. The community needs to hear facts, truth and reason not just emotion.
To the Yes people stop the bullying tactics its absurd. can the Mayor wear a pin like she did at the meeting, thought she was not allowed to campaign for the Override? I thought only mail went in mailboxes. You should not be putting mail in mailboxes, you should be dropping them on porches. But you only like the rules that benefit you and your agenda. Calling a woman a "b**ch for saying NO to the override is pathetic. Kicking signs again? Will that be happening. This proves again you literally have nothing. If you have all this money to spend on a campaign and to "save" the schools from "doomsday". can you help out the police with some new roofing too and maybe help me with a few of my kids doctors bills which will be hard to pay when the override passes but then again this si feeling like rich vs poor. Melrose no longer a blue collar comunity? I think you want an "elitist" group in town. Once again if your going to knock on a door have respect and lastly if your going to curse and swear find some other town to campaign in.
If people are to blind to see this then we are doomed.
VOTE NO! Follow facts and truth and ignore the ignorance and scared tactics.
Folks! As someone who has kept up with school issues for the past 5 years - don't be crazy enough to buy into the phony override request! The current school leadership are corrupt and are only interested in holding their power - particularly the head of the school committee who is only waiting her time to be the next school business manager! I would wait until Taymore and Driscoll leave the system before giving them more money.
If it’s not an override for public safety, it will fail on this city. And that’s exactly the way it should be. Schools have had their chance, they blew it. Find people that can budget correctly and they will be fine.
Financial Incompetence shown in black and white. A small example which represents and illustrates why taxpayers do not trust, the numbers, budgets or financial predictions coming from City Officals. They do not know what the hell they are doing. Vote No on the Override!
Citizens need to come together to say no to this freight train called the Override about to steamroll over Melrose in order to line the greedy pockets of administration and do nothing to improve anything. It can be derailed, as similar efforts by some of the same players have been in past years.
Melrose Messages is needed because of what citizens and politicians allow. Melrose is far from being ONE either “One Community Open to All” or “One Melrose”.
One community open all. ALL? A slogan coined by democrats again for their own personal pat on the back. Is there any other city around that is not open to all?
Especially a “city”. It’s nice that by all they mean African, Asian, Hispanic. But some of us know the looks you get when you wear a certain red hat. That look of you must be bigoted misogynist. The look of I wish you lived somewhere else. Don’t get me wrong. I get a lot of thumbs up and high fives. But I just know when someone looks at me that they have a Hate has no Home sign here on their from lawn. They are the most hateful ones.
The Truthsayer
Melrose has a tax deferral program for seniors. If you cannot pay the taxes on your house, the city will allow you to let them go unpaid and you can defer payment until a later date or when you sell your home (or die should that be the case). You can't just stop paying. You need to enter into an agreement, and the City will charge you INTEREST.
This is exactly the subject of the front page article in today’s Globe. 80 year old Medford man. It could happen in Melrose, too.
Yes I am a angry and baffled. We were told there would not be a special election for New Mayoral candidates because they did not want to spend for a special election then ???? interim Mayor and 30/40K special override election. They knew exactly what they were doing.
It’s interesting the water and sewer rates increases will be recommended on April 30, 2019. Four weeks after the special election. Apparently the city doesn’t want residents to be thinking about the increase water& sewer rates as they head into the special election on April 2. Wonder why??This is both laughable and predictable by city hall. We already pay the third highest water & sewer rate of the 66 MWRA communities. Now they are hiding the rate increase until after the special election.How much more does Melrose want us to pay? There is currently $1.46million in reserves in the water & sewer enterprise funds.Override Overboard On April 2 2019.
I agree with what you said. It's only one community if you go along, if not, get out. But how can Melrose expect any change - ANY CHANGE whatsoever, if the same people are voted in time and time again? This is where the issue starts. These Aldermen get too comfortable while doing too little. They fall into complacency and mediocrity and we accept this outcome. Shame on us.
I find it disturbing that ones political voice has and is being smothered by the "louder" voice. Yelling louder or hurling insults doesn't solidify ones stance. Telling residents and business owners that they shouldn't vote a certain way doesn't change a vote. Saying you can't say this or that, doesn't mean it isn't said. Even telling someone you can't wear a 'red' hat doesn't change anything whatsoever. If you happen to be on the opposite side of their argument you're seen as uneducated, stupid, hateful, and even uncaring. It appears that many people in this town think that NOT allowing someone's opinion to be aired or displayed, makes that opinion disappear. Let me assure you, it does not. It only forces that opinion to a dark corner in the background, some thinking it suppressed. But it isn't suppressed and this type of suppression only breeds resentment. You know what this type of resentment gets? This gets you outcomes like 'Brexit' and President Trump.
ALL of us in Melrose will play a part in the override outcome, win or lose. But remember, by not truthfully and honestly engaging in the debate, you will inevitably loose the debate.
Melrose has always thought they were/wanted to be Winchester and Lynnfield, but of course we're not, we're Saugus, Wakefield, Stoneham, Medford, etc., and THAT'S FINE, there's nothing wrong with that at all. Just stop "pretending".
Melrose has always thought they were/wanted to be Winchester and Lynnfield, but of course we're not, we're Saugus, Wakefield, Stoneham, Medford, etc., and THAT'S FINE, there's nothing wrong with that at all. Just stop "pretending".
Melrose has always thought they were/wanted to be Winchester and Lynnfield, but of course we're not, we're Saugus, Wakefield, Stoneham, Medford, etc., and THAT'S FINE, there's nothing wrong with that at all. Just stop "pretending".
...Melrose doesn’t even compare to those cities/towns.
Melrose spends $ per student:
24% less than Saugus
19% less than Stoneham
17% less than Wakefield
15% less than Malden
To think that our schools are adequately funded compared to G1’s definition of “peers” is a joke.
This again? This is a gross oversimplification. Per pupil expenditures are calculated by dividing a district's operating costs by its average pupil membership (FTEs), including in-district expenditures per pupil and total expenditures per pupil, which includes in-district and out-of-district spending and enrollment.
It does not include expenditures like the learning common or those ridiculous pods.
This again? This is a gross oversimplification. Per pupil expenditures are calculated by dividing a district's operating costs by its average pupil membership (FTEs), including in-district expenditures per pupil and total expenditures per pupil, which includes in-district and out-of-district spending and enrollment.
It does not include expenditures like the learning common or those ridiculous pods.
Yeah, no. That’s an apples-to-apples comparison; and it paints a pretty ugly picture.
Melrose has always thought they were/wanted to be Winchester and Lynnfield, but of course we\'re not, we\'re Saugus, Wakefield, Stoneham, Medford, etc., and THAT\'S FINE, there\'s nothing wrong with that at all. Just stop \"pretending\".
"wooo! We're number 53! We're humber 53!"
Nothing like being mediocre and striving to maintain our mediocre status. Why would we try to be better than we are? Status quo, status quo!
When an incompetent school committee repeatedly supports an incompetent and morally corrupt superintendent of schools after repeated moral failures, what do you expect? This is really not about money. If it were, the mayor, school committee, superintendent and "vote yes" lemmings wouldn't go into a violent tizzy and defamation campaign against the more competent pols and citizens who ask for very reasonable, very accessible and very publicly releasable information on past and current spending. I keep hearing the "get educated" nonsense from the yes crowd but when they try to get educated, they are told to "stop ranting" or "you must hate Melrose". Same thing happened during the last override attempt. The voters are not stupid, they understand when information is being withheld from them and figure there is a reason these people don't want to them get educated or they might find out there is no basis for an override. Then they quietly vote NO on voting day like last time.
Would not consider the merits of additional taxes in any shape, manner or form until funds are appropriated for new Fire and Police Buildings.
Voting No for the poorly conceived Schools Only debacle.
So get out and make your vote matter. April 2 2019
This is horrendous! I have been thinking this all along! This election is a rushed process before all this comes out. How much does this city and OneMelrose think we have ! Foolish for anyone to fall for this. How can we let the public know about this 🤬 NO NO NO
What about parents who have never had children in this school system, who are currently sending their kids to a parochial school? Their costs rise every year and now we are asking them to pay into a pot that they've never taken from. I realize the school system is a community expense, but does anyone ever think of these families? Just a thought....
What about parents who have never had children in this school system, who are currently sending their kids to a parochial school? Their costs rise every year and now we are asking them to pay into a pot that they've never taken from. I realize the school system is a community expense, but does anyone ever think of these families? Just a thought....
No. No one is considering them. They will pay taxes in any city they live in for schools their kids don't attend. That was their choice.
Good schools are a community benefit, even for those who don't attend.
What about parents who have never had children in this school system, who are currently sending their kids to a parochial school? Their costs rise every year and now we are asking them to pay into a pot that they\\\\\\\'ve never taken from. I realize the school system is a community expense, but does anyone ever think of these families? Just a thought....
No. No one is considering them. They will pay taxes in any city they live in for schools their kids don\\\'t attend. That was their choice.
Good schools are a community benefit, even for those who don\\\'t attend.
Good schools are not a community benefit for people that don't have children in the schools. To say otherwise makes no sense.
You might be making the tired high home values argument and here is something you know about but are choosing to ignore because it doesn't fit with your scheme to fleece the tax payers here.
Somerville and Cambridge. How are the schools there? How are the home and condo prices? Thought so.
What about parents who have never had children in this school system, who are currently sending their kids to a parochial school? Their costs rise every year and now we are asking them to pay into a pot that they\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve never taken from. I realize the school system is a community expense, but does anyone ever think of these families? Just a thought....
No. No one is considering them. They will pay taxes in any city they live in for schools their kids don\\\\\\\'t attend. That was their choice.
Good schools are a community benefit, even for those who don\\\\\\\'t attend.
Good schools are not a community benefit for people that don't have children in the schools. I keep reading this and it makes no sense whatsoever.
You might be making the tired high home values argument and here is something you know about but are choosing to ignore because it doesn't fit with your scheme to fleece the tax payers here.
Somerville and Cambridge. How are the schools there? How are the home and condo prices? Thought so.
It's not just about home prices. It's also about the fact that I don't want to live in a city, state, or country full of stupid people. So we need to make sure that we give the ones in our community the best education we can. An educated public serves us all.
Parents who chose to pay directly for their children's education through private school, religious school or home school should not have to pay any local taxes which are earmarked for the local public school budget. They are doing their part to educate the future generation and should not have to pay twice.
People who remain childless should not have to pay either. Why is it assumed that they have to subsidize your breeding? Their contribution to future generation is a less crowded world.
If indeed you "....don't want to live in a city, state, or country full of stupid people.", I can't believe that you're still here. Didn't the results of the last national election, and our current leadership 'problems' show you that what you don't want has already occurred?
And never having had children in this, or any other school system, I have certainly paid MORE than my share for other people's education!
Re: Send this Override Overboard!April 2 2019 Tuesday
A “NO’ vote means “yes” to cuts in these services.
Council on Aging: Cut $48,214
* Limit Milano Center hours to 8am-1pm (no afternoon programs)
* Cut COA Minibus transportation by 70%
* Reduce volunteer coordinator hours to 2 hrs/wk
Not a scare tactic, not even espousing a position, just sharing real information. No response required.
Re: Send this Override Overboard!April 2 2019 Tuesday
A “NO’ vote means “yes” to cuts in these services.
Council on Aging: Cut \$48,214
* Limit Milano Center hours to 8am-1pm (no afternoon programs)
* Cut COA Minibus transportation by 70%
* Reduce volunteer coordinator hours to 2 hrs/wk
Not a scare tactic, not even espousing a position, just sharing real information. No response required.
This was put out to manipulate and scare people and on that fact alone people should vote NO. Anyone who wants to blackmail seniors does not deserve to prevail. Seniors should be not be subjected to this and it reveals the mindset of the yes crowd.
Cut of one the do nothing patronage positions at city hall and you would have this amount of money available.
Re: Send this Override Overboard!April 2 2019 Tuesday
Dangerous is an interesting word choice. The use of “Dangerous” encourages fear and insecurity which is what this Override has been all about because of scare tactics and lies. This Override debacle has caused a serious and ugly divide which was not necessary. The Override discussion should have waited until the 11-19 Mayoral election. No unelected (seen as illegitimate by many) puppet “leader” should ever have put the Override forward. Melrose is far from “One “Community Open to All” and we are far from being “One Melrose”. Off to vote No with a very heavy heart!