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Can anyone from One Melrose explain to me why there are no plans for Beebe. Did the SC say this because this is what people want to hear ? Too many uncertainties for this family. Voting NO

Re: Beebe

Right? Yet they say there will be a $250,000 loss of income from the Beebe which has to be realized if the 'tenants' are evicted. Well, if Melrose has NO plans for the Beebe, then why would you have the building vacated of an income stream? These people make no sense....

Re: Beebe

There is $250,000.00 built into the override to compensate for that supposed loss of income. Have the current tenants actually been notified that they will be evicted? If not, can it be possible that they actually will not be? And if it's true that they won't be, what happens to that $250,000.00 in the override? Is this just another line of bull designed to convince people of the "dire circumstances"?

And what about the ECC, which is allegedly running somewhere near revenue neutral? It's glorified day care, and we're not required to run an ECC, and we need, so they say, the classroom space. How many kids actually attend? Close the ECC and restore the Franklin as a grammar school. Why has that not been investigated, because it mostly affects the MEF and One Melrose mommies?

Re: Beebe

There is $250,000.00 built into the override to compensate for that supposed loss of income. Have the current tenants actually been notified that they will be evicted? If not, can it be possible that they actually will not be? And if it's true that they won't be, what happens to that $250,000.00 in the override?

NO Transparency. NO Planning. Fake Math. Voting NO !

Re: Beebe

I knew from the moment GI stated they did not know what Beebe would be used for that there never was or would be a plan. Voting NO