I welcome everyone to the Melrose Tax Payers alliance Facebook page.. please read the insults, threats and just out right garbage. I post for over a dozen people because of fear and intimidation.. Please go read... absolutely shameful.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahsha ATLEAST YOU USE KIDS FOR ADVANTAGE.. having them hold signs.. which threats? Police been called? You can pretend it’s that way but let’s look at the venton st gentleman.. the a pretty aggressive and threatening post..How about if we play back an alderman meeting where a circuit st or Hurd where they don’t let a woman speak let’s push forward to the panel or pep rally for the Yes another night of aggression.. you can say the no has done it here and there because EVERYONE has seen your true colors.. stealing someone’s identity to then ale death threats.. this forum is garbage so is how the Yes voters treat people.. I’m done with the campaign but I hope everyone sees it for exactly what it is.. a community so divided it will never heal.. I have kids but does your side care..not one bit. You use city hall to ask people how they are voting.. is that even legal? You ran a garbage campaign but yet most of you hate Trump for his antics? Hypocrites because you resorted to pretty low standards because the facts point to NO
This community one way or another will never be the same and look at your post you can’t help but swear? Charming? What are we teaching our kids? Pathetic
I see the same old nonsense from the fake one melrose. They ought to be grateful that the Tax Payers left the posts open for comments. Unlike the MCG which might as well be the official one Melrose page.
Looks like those phonies swarm like bees when there there is a post. Hope they're having as much fun when they see the exact same school system only with more patronage positions if the override passes.
The *itch lying on there about how there is a program if you can't afford the override needs to cease and desist. Not for everyone there isn't. The mayor and the city website give 2 different ages but somewhere starting in your 60s there may be some tax relief but what this woman isn't considering in her selfishness, people might ALREADY be using these programs because they ALREADY need the relief.
It is terrible what is happening in this country. It’s happening on the national level and trickling down to our community and undermining our democracy. People are afraid openly supporting their candidate and position for fear of being ostracized and shamed. Some even fear for their jobs. I know there are teachers who live in the city and do not support the override but will never publicly admit it out of fear of retaliation. I know school parents who are afraid to put no signs in front of their homes and are afraid to “like” a pro no post on the CG because their friend on the pto will never forgive them. What have we become? It may seem like the yes group has more support but there are many, closet no voters out there waiting for the chance to have their voice heard on April 2nd.
"...are afraid to “like” a pro no post on the CG because their friend on the pto will never forgive them."
Well then, they aren't exactly "friends" then are they?
I have neighbors walk right past me after a friendly 'hello' and they keep right on walking without a reply - for seven years. Why? Who cares. I already have enough friends, I don't need fake friend neighbors.
I grew up in the project housing in Malden and made life-long friends there - REAL friends. The kind who accept you for you and not how you choose to vote. Just because some people may think Melrose may be a few clicks higher in stature, doesn't mean they harbor a higher class of people.