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Thoughts on New Superintendent?

What are your thoughts about the newly appointed Julie Kukenberger? I haven’t watched her interview, but there were several articles (in regards to her previous work) that I’ve found that concerned me.

In her previous school district, Scarborough, 83-1 teachers voted her out. She allegedly forced a principal to retire as well. The people in that town don’t seem to favor her either.

Does anyone know anything else about her? As a student, her record just concerns me. The school’s bad enough and I don’t see how she’s going to make it better (excuse me for being harsh).

Her interview if you’d wish to see it:

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

Vadala was the 1st choice of SC and parents. He accepted Peabody Public Schools Super job on Monday. Listening to the comments, tone of voice and analysis of body language by SC members tonight showed that they “settled” and weren’t happy. Kukenberger was interviewed for the Peabody job, too. She wasn’t even a finalist!

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

I thought Taymore was the bottom of the barrel. I was wrong.

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

Interesting selection - I watched all 3 interviews and my first pick was Dr. Valada, I thought he was very articulate and voiced a version for the district, 2nd choice was Ben Lummis, who seemed to be in a learning mode about our district,and my 3rd choice was Dr. Kukenberger, some of her answers to hypothetical questions seemed strange - I did not get a good feeling about her - but our school committee knows best as they have proven over the years! Get ready for another disastrous superintendent term! Glad my kids are out of the system!

I urge people to go to MMTV and watch all 3 interviews. Another bad decision by our SC! So what else is new?

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

Finally had time this morning to watch Thursday's school committee meeting. They were supposed to discuss all three candidates to compare them, say what they liked about each, and say why they thought one would be better for the children than the others.

All they did was start the meeting, and take less than one minute for all of them to vote for Julie Kukenberger. Then they spent about 15 minutes praising themselves, their own selection process, and how wonderful they were for feeding the candidates when they were here.

There was zero discussion about why each chose her over the other two. They didn't even say what was good about her, let alone how her strengths were better than the others. Did I miss something? When did they discuss the different candidates? Is that on TV from another night, or was that all discussed in a secret session?

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

What do you expect from this group of SC members? They are all in lock-step with Driscoll - she is the problem with this group! There is not an independent mind in the group! What a dismal failure - I continue to be shocked at the incompetence of Jen McAndrew - she ought to know better!

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

1st choice Dr. Vadala accepted another job. The Felon announced his unavailability at the beginning of the meeting. They had to swallow hard since they did not want either of the other 2 finalists. The SC members who were present and spoke screamed disappointment. Liz and John participated from home. DeSelm and family are on Coronavirus quarantine which was publicly announced by Tina. John O‘s absence was not explained. Made no sense to go into detail about choice since MPS and SC lost control years ago and really had little choice. One Melrose and Yes Melrose efforts were a waste of time.

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

Vadala Withdrew

1st choice Dr. Vadala accepted another job. The Felon announced his unavailability at the beginning of the meeting. They had to swallow hard since they did not want either of the other 2 finalists. The SC members who were present and spoke screamed disappointment. Liz and John participated from home. DeSelm and family are on Coronavirus quarantine which was publicly announced by Tina. John O‘s absence was not explained. Made no sense to go into detail about choice since MPS and SC lost control years ago and really had little choice. One Melrose and Yes Melrose efforts were a waste of time.
I urge people to go to MMTV and watch all 3 interviews.

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

I continue to be shocked at the incompetence of Jen McAndrew

Seriously? Why? She's been showing her colors since the failed override attempt.

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

Ted Kenney
Vadala Withdrew

1st choice Dr. Vadala accepted another job. The Felon announced his unavailability at the beginning of the meeting. They had to swallow hard since they did not want either of the other 2 finalists. The SC members who were present and spoke screamed disappointment. Liz and John participated from home. DeSelm and family are on Coronavirus quarantine which was publicly announced by Tina. John O‘s absence was not explained. Made no sense to go into detail about choice since MPS and SC lost control years ago and really had little choice. One Melrose and Yes Melrose efforts were a waste of time.
I urge people to go to MMTV and watch all 3 interviews.
Why the lack of transparency?

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

Why the lack of transparency? No accountability.Lack of accountability in the workplace often stems from ineffective laedership practices and mindsets and politicians and the real facts of life.Maybe the truth.Everday is a new day .Maybe someone will tell us the truth.What is truth?Where are we on this how many people we die from this virus?

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

Uh-oh. Someone left the cell door unlocked again.

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

She is going to be another nightmare. If you read the past reports on her in the Maine papers and read between the lines regarding her career it doesn't look good.

I'm surprised they let her in here because in Scarborough, ME she shut down a high school voters registration drive because the students were going to vote against her. Melrose is hypocritical as always.

She is a troubled administrator who is bringing her problems to Melrose. Fabulous.

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

It's not reasonable to expect anything other than another nightmare administrator when hired by this horrible school committee.

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

Vadala was no great shakes, as could easily be observed from the video interview. His answers were all just proforma pat edujargon, not an original thought in the whole long mess. Doesn't speak well for Peabody that they wanted him. But given Melrose's lousy track record, nothing speaks well for our own processes or those in charge. The middle candidate actually had a bit of demonstrated critical thinking, which obviously made him not acceptable to Margaret or the felon, especially since he wasn't quite as smooth or slippery as the other two. The one chosen is all amateur/immature uptalk and jargon, perfect for those in Melrose who must proclaim everything to be "amazing" all the time, whether it's even in the ballpark or not. The OneM EdFoundation mommies are no doubt delighted with her. They all probably have the same brand of yoga mat. Gawd what a sorry state, even before adding a devastating pandemic to the sickening stew.

Re: Thoughts on New Superintendent?

Whose cry'n now! I told you folks repeatedly and ya just couldn't handle the truth...The only logical choice for the Superintendent is the distinctive gentleman from Ward 5 Mr. Gerry Mrotz! Gerry,Gerry,Gerry, Gerry, Gerry...but need I continue? Now then, can I apply for a rebate on the OVER RIDE taxes that I have paid, taking into account that the schools are now closed?