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True partnership

True partnership is all of us helping each other at this time.It is not easy being home everyday.Many people been followed from the jobs or layoffs. No one wins when you have no jobs are lost. This is about time it something that none of us been through .Yes employment checks don:t cut it.Life changes Go from working everday to no work.Not easy on anybody.Check on your neighbors.Call or text your neighbors.Especially elderly neighbors to make sure they"re doing will. make sure to stay socially connected.Wake around your neighborhood.Develop a support system within your community.Reach out but do it safely.

Re: True partnership

Coronavirus is a “serious threat to the people all.Just look at all that are home and not working.Can work from home.January 1 2021 .

Re: True partnership

The about those that can"t work from home?

Re: True partnership

About those families have children in school?Who works who doesen"t work?What happens when the kid has to learn online?This could be about health Insurance for an Family to make a decision.To who works and who doesn"t that'S If both of your working.Health insurance is not cheap.Cobra insurance from your former employee is not cheap for Family.

Re: True partnership

Moving day approaching at the Trump White House.

Re: True partnership

True partnership is all of us helping each other at this time.January 23 2021.

Re: True partnership

Tell that to the retRumplican traitors who are still in Congress!

Re: True partnership

You got that right, Geezer! Also tell it to those fascist-loving "true" Melrosians! (And by that it is meant both those who are openly reactionary and those who parade around as dems but whose conduct is anything but respectful of Democracy. Pop a red cap on them and they're every bit as bad as the ones who make no pretense about their love of 1950s McCarthyism. The 2nd Floor of our Main St "seat" (rearend) of power could give lessons to the Ted Cruz and Gohmert types. Oh, they'll be all ***** hat one minute, but just pay attention when they feel threatened....

Re: True partnership

Coronavirus is a “Serious Threat to the People of Melrose Mass.please be safe for all.

Re: True partnership

If you can't put a piece of cloth across your face to keep your neighbor from dying, do not try to tell me how pro-life you are!

Re: True partnership

DO NOT LET THE BEHAVIOR OF OTHERS DESTROY YOUR INNER PEACE. I have been there and they are not nice people. A person's actions will tell you everything you need to know.

Re: True partnership

True partnership is all of us helping each other at this time.Please be all safe Celebrate Easter Sunday.