Spring Break for Schools - Why Not Have Kids go to School Instead?
This is great! The kids are off this week for spring break - like they haven't had enough time off from school! We know that ALL kids are well behind what they should be learning based on many months of no school during COVID and remote learning for much of this year!
And instead of our school system saying - let's get as much learning in this school year before it ends so that they will be less behind next year - the school system gives teachers the time off! This is insane and only goes to show why teachers unions MUST be eliminated from the education system of our children.
I also fault our teachers because they realize how far behind their students are and yet they could not care less otherwise they would fight their union to get back to school this week. The teachers union wins, the teachers win by being out this week - yet the only group that loses are the students! And yet the union and the teachers tell us constantly that they sincerely care about the education of our children - these are truly hollow words given that they had to be compelled to go back to classroom teaching and many school system across America are still not in school!
Our school system has only been back to full time in school learning for a brief time and only in the lower grades. Even though CDC and most medical experts have told them that children are NOT spreaders of COVID and that only compromised older adults are susceptible to more serious COVID systems. Yet the unions and teachers have fought against going back into schools - contrary to science and contrary scientific data.
We now know from our COVID experience that the unions and teachers are only looking out after themselves to see how they can manipulate the system for their own benefit rather than the benefit of the children.
What a sad state of affairs in our education system- we should all fight for more charter schools and support existing religious schools - it is the only way to show our education system that they have failed our kids.
Re: Spring Break for Schools - Why Not Have Kids go to School Instead?
John is somehow of the opinion that teachers haven't been working during COVID. His ignorance is staggering. Online and/or hybrid learning takes far MORE effort than teaching in person, not less! For the teachers who have been working so hard during the pandemic, this is just so demeaning and maddening to read.
Re: Spring Break for Schools - Why Not Have Kids go to School Instead?
John is somehow of the opinion that teachers haven't been working during COVID. His ignorance is staggering. Online and/or hybrid learning takes far MORE effort than teaching in person, not less! For the teachers who have been working so hard during the pandemic, this is just so demeaning and maddening to read.
Let me correct you, Resident. It was well into the pandemic that teachers were able to figure out how to use zoom, get the kids to understand it, and getting technology to the point that it could be used by both teachers & students. So let's not exaggerate their efforts. And once they started using it, they were helpless to prevent students from walking away for the computer and doing something else or being so bored - they learned nothing. Studies have already concluded that these zoom classes were useless to students and did little to further educate our students - even to the point that the union and teachers did not want the kids to take MCAS exams - which would only show them how poorly the students learned during remote learning classes.
And instead of giving up their union negotiated days off and continue teaching - teachers took all their holidays, time off, personal days, professional development days, and on and on it goes - including of course spring break - yep - they were really concerned about the lack of real education their students were receiving - give me a break!
The union failed the kids, the teachers failed the kids, and the education system failed the kids - the only ones who didn't fail the kids were their parents - who struggled to learn the new technology to help their children, worked with diligently during times of high frustration, the personal depression they all experienced being away from their teachers, friends, and family...and of course many parents experienced personal financial disasters when one or perhaps both parents were furloughed or terminated from their jobs - while teachers maintained their excellent salaries and benefits of time off.
So please don't give me your anguish about demeaning teachers - they made out during the pandemic while collecting their salaries and getting on top of that - stimulus checks - perhaps they can donate them to their classes - that would be the class thing to do - but don't expect it!
Re: Spring Break for Schools - Why Not Have Kids go to School Instead?
Because hypocrites have made plans to go on vacation trips to red states like Florida where it is fun even though they walk around here with masks on telling us to stay home while updating their fakebook profile pics with the stupid "I got Vaccinated" frame.