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COVID-19 DELTA Variant

Everyone acts like everything is great because property values are high. But what if they weren't? And we're just one collapse away from that again. Today date is September 7 2021
coronavirus is a “serious threat to the people of Massachusetts, COVID-19 DELTA Variant still most concernig.

Re: COVID-19 DELTA Variant

All of us experience change in our lives. Change is the one constant in our lives. There are changes that we look forward to and change that we fear.

Re: COVID-19 DELTA Variant

Melrose is all tapped out with the houses and the schools. The private schools are up 40% and the public is down 21%. The district is sending their children to private or home school. The MPS as no diverse in the town so many are not qualified for the job.

The news was at the schools because some student got covid19 you would assume the world was ending!!! People wake up if you are or not vaccinated people are still getting the virus. Follow the money and you will see.

Re: COVID-19 DELTA Variant

All of us experience change in our lives. Change is the one constant in our lives. There are changes that we look forward to and change that we fear. COVID-19 DELTA Variant

Re: COVID-19 DELTA Variant

What happens in your lifetime
Happens for reasons unknown,
So you have to let the cards unfold.
Let your story be shown.