Remember the bonfires held following the new year at Ell Pond and later at Mt. Hood. My friends and I would collect the christmas trees and get paid a nickel per tree by the Melrose Park Departmet during the early 1960's. Remember the fishing derby at Mt Hood?[Xmastree]
I'm sorry nobody replied to your first post back on the 17th. I just plain missed it and the activity around here has slowed a bit, maybe due to the holidays approaching.
But to answer you questions, YES!! I remember the Christmas Tree bonfire down by Ell Pond and the Knoll. I think there were about 5 kids all around my age living on our Street and my dad would tie a rope on trees to the back of his big Old Buick (first tree attached to the car, second tree attached to the first tree, etc.... And then we would drag them all down to the bonfire and get our nickels. Great way to have a great bonfire (and great way to lower the number of brush fires resulting from burning your tree in the back yard).
I didn't get to go to the Mt Hood Fishing derby's because for me, Mt Hood was like half way to the moon away from the Highlands. We did do some fishing at Ell Pond though, catching some snapping turtles that had to weight 10-15 pounds or more. And boy... that hissing sound they make when they're ****** off was really something.... Or maybe they just looked bigger because I was smaller?
Great to see your post Rhet. Keep posting those memories.
Old Guy
I could be wrong ("could be", now that's a laugh), but I believe that they still have the fishing derbies at Mt. Hood, which amazes me, because I can't believe that that many men still wear derbies that get blown into the water and have to be fished out!
I, for one could not agree with you more Mr. Geezer. It is outrageous what they are doing to those Gerbies. Isn't there something we could do to protect the poor, helpless, cuddly little things from being thrown into the 3 Mt Hood ponds like fish bait?
Well I'll tell you one thing. These Gerbies are......