From the Melrose Mirror folks. The above will link you to a number of stories, mostly about Melrose, growing up there and through the eyes of long time Melrosian, Ed Boyd.
Great way to pick and choose articles that interest you... or maybe not.... but I thought it was pretty cool.
As an aside, although I certainly understand about automatic timers, it still looks foolish to drive by someone's house in the rain and see the lawn sprinklers on!
Wasn't me, but oddly enough it was apparently found very near where "we" just started to walk, as a nice shaded walking spot, near the end of the summer, so maybe I could be guilty of attracting crazies!
I know that it is almost Halloween and the crazies have a habit of coming out then, but this is to much. This is something that is more appropriate happening in Salem.
And on yet another topic.
Maybe I'm losing it, but the picture of the playground improvements coming to the Common, and the written description, do not jive at all with what is there now, based on leaving the "old tennis courts" where they are now. According to the picture, the basketball court will be moved into the ball fields.
Or is it just me (I am there almost every day)?
OK folks! The spam issue has been solved! I've worked all afternoon tweeking (not twerking.....I don't know how those gals do it but you've got to be in great shape) the permissions to allow for benign posts to be allowed without being blocked for spam!
Geezer you need not fear my friend! Spam is now 2.69 a can at Shaws without the key. It's a pull top. I checked. [:)s]
Thanks again for 'fixing' the message board PW. I do enjoy it (even peeking at the darker side!) and was frustrated at some of the problems encountered posting my innocuous comments, lol.
Every once in a while when shopping, I do pause momentarily in front of the Spam and almost reach for it (mostly for old times sake) but then recall that I wasn't that keen about it as a kid, why would I think I would be now. But fun to see it's "still here", so someone must be buying/eating it!
I don't know, spam (with pineapple and cloves) wasn't that bad. Versus liver (cooked till it tasted like shoe leather)and bacon. It was later in life, after I married my wife that I actually enjoyed liver. She cooked it with tomato sauce so that there was flavor to it.
I have probably already mentioned this, of the best things my parents ever did was to make me sit at the supper table until I finished eating whatever was put in front of me, because now I like almost everything. However, I would sit there until midnight (when they would finally tell me to go to bed, well, maybe 10PM, I was after all just a kid) whenever we had liver!
Remember Old Guy and Geezer? We already had the “liver” discussion! GROSS!
And Old Guy l love this board too.
What I really want to know is why no one fights with me anymore? I do so miss those a$$ whooping’s! I just don’t get it. No more personal attacks, or name calling and my personal favorite telling me to move. I even threw in the “Trophy Wife” slam and not even a nibble.
What I really want to know is why no one fights with me anymore? I do so miss those a$$ whooping’s! I just don’t get it. No more personal attacks, or name calling and my personal favorite telling me to move. I even threw in the “Trophy Wife” slam and not even a nibble.
I could be wrong on all of this and time will tell.
I think, first, there's a new crowd out there these days. Many have never heard to the OML skirmishes, the trophy wife ball fields, etc...
Second, Your explanation about how you can shut someone's IP Address down at will, may have scared some away, at least temporarily. Example: "Oh, Oh, I'm not gonna call that "witch with a B" anything if she can shut me down.
And third, You really haven't been posting regularly. You were, I assume, dealing with the mortgage mess so your attendance is understandable.
Anyway... Those are just my thoughts. You do have to admit though, the folks over in the Dark Side are pretty good at calling each other names. You just frightened them, I think.
This is the first time I haven’t had to work a weekend in months and it’s been so much fun! Maybe folks don’t know the site is back up again? And for the record I’ve never banned anyone in the five years that this board has been in existence.
I’m a firm believer in free speech and so is Mr. Ireton. Pornographic posts, posts that name children and spammers are the only posts that get deleted….not the actual run of the mill poster. I didn’t even ban the guy or gal that shut down the site!
If anyone thought we banned people you only have to look at the vicious posts that are all on the dark side. They’ll be back! Hasta la vista baby!
One of the "spam" things I tried to post many times is a bit of a moot point now, but anyway, although I certainly understand automatic timers, it still looks ridiculous to be driving in the rain and pass a house and see the lawn sprinklers going!
Good point Geezer. Just wait until the start of black ice season.
Does anyone know if it is true in this kind of situation, if a car hits the ice and crashes it is the driver who pays for the damages, not the person who caused the ice in the first place?
As I have said before, I'm sick and tired of both offensive and defensive "celebrations" in football. It's your job, if you happen to do it well on one play, fine, you're supposed to, it's what you get paid for, it's not a cause for celebration.
So, where do you store all those grenades OG? [8)]
Behind the pitcher's mound, of course.
And I could not agree with you more on the celebrations. It would be interesting to go back and look at old films to see where it started and how it morphed into what we have now. I'm all for a rule that would cancel out both yardage and points due to inappropriate celebration. That'll put an end to it.
That would indeed be interesting, because I personally can't recall.
One last comment and then I'll drop it. Can you even conceive of, say Jim Brown, after a touchdown, jumping up into the stands to have the fans congratulate and paw all over him?
Slice the spam really thin and fry it in a pan with olive oil. On scali toast with spicy mustard. Cow tongue? Makes great tacos but I don't think you need to nail it to a tree first.
I might try the Spam 'recipe', but think I'll pass on the cow's tongue (though I'm probably getting it in hot dogs!) as it's one of the "meals" my parents never made me sit at the table until I finished!
Only had the tongue tacos once. My brother visited from the west coast one summer and was so excited to make them. It was quite a task just to find the beef tongue (guess he should have just taken a walk up to Pine Banks) It was then an even bigger process to cook it (hours in the oven with a ton of garlic). My mother's house STUNK for weeks. We all ate them and smiled and said how good they were. Not horrible, but definitely not worth all that effort and anticipation.
I might try the Spam 'recipe', but think I'll pass on the cow's tongue (though I'm probably getting it in hot dogs!) as it's one of the "meals" my parents never made me sit at the table until I finished!
I looked up Spam on Al Gore's internets (and we all know that everything on the internets is true) and found that it is made of Pork Shoulder and also, Ham. That was strange. I thought Pork came from Pigs and so did Ham, so why would they list them separately on the Spam label? I did some research and found that "Ham" is actually a processed meat similar to Hot Dogs?
Did any of you know about this? Or am I reading it wrong? any of you have a 'time limit' for screwing around trying to open a package by hand, or do you just immediately go for a knife or scissors?
You have got to be referring to those God Dam packages with the card board backs and heavy, heavy plastic that requires a Jim Bowie 8 inch hunting knife to penetrate?
Those are so exasperating that I often put them aside to try to open another day!
But I'm also talking about something as simple as 1/2 a Popsicle (no idea why they sell single sides of a Popsicle) where you should be able to just rip it open, but can't!