Not enough "new pup stories" coming from you OG (as mundane as one on this board thinks that might be!)
Sorry. I was worried about getting criticized for posting happy stories, on our section of the message board. Here's an update though... What arrived as a puppy one couch section long is now a puppy two sections long and going for a walk is more like going for a pull. More to come.
Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
I just returned home from Pittsburgh after having driven 11 hours with my elderly parents back to Melrose. ( not counting the 11 hours down) It was such a joy to be able to take a road trip with my mom and dad so that they could be there to witness my daughter’s graduation. We had a ball!
When we left on Wednesday, my parents parked in my driveway and I drove down and back. What I came home to was the destruction of two 30 gallon clay pots that I had bought last year which were removed from their respective pedestals and smashed viciously. Ya can’t just hit these suckers with a car. Someone took a hammer to them and made sure I understood the intent. The shards were purposefully placed on my front steps so that I would get whatever message they intended to send.
Here’s my take away from all of this. You don’t like me. Okay. I get it. Do whatever you want to me and I’ll endure. But when you make my mother and father worry and cry about me I draw the line!!!
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
It was quite an inspiring speech that Maj. Gen. Charles Frank Bolden, Jr. (who has been the head of NASA since 2008) gave to the PITT undergrads at commencement. He said “let no one define who you are….you define who you are and who you will be’.
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
Melrose - one community, open to all. Except anyone who takes a stand. What a disgrace, and yet not even a little surprised. You have my sympathies, and on behalf of the decent folks that live here, I apologize.
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
Patty; I am truly sorry to hear that vandalism such as this is happening to you. Maybe like you say it is time to move, as the Melrose we knew has changed.
My families history can be traced back to the 1800 in Melrose, I even remember getting chased by old man Beebe's butler, because we were playing on his lawn (where the school is now). We moved and I and the rest of the family could not be happier, my only regret is that we didn't do it sooner.
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
Sorry to learn of this Patty, and that you and your family had to go through it. Sorry also to say that you may be right about it being time to go. Have been considering it myself.
We'll see how long it takes to get a "good riddance"! [:-|]
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
Thank you all gentlemen for the kind words. I know many folks who have lived here all their lives and they are good and fine people(with the two exceptions on my street) I'm sad because I love my home and this is the only home my daughter ever remembers.
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
Well Geezer, a major milestone has been reached. My 4 month old lab
puppy is now able to stand on her hind legs in the kitchen, while reaching with her fronts to grab what ever is available.
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
Children at play??
On another issue. No one knows more than I do the cost of roadway maintenance and construction. That being said however, I have never in my life seen the roadways in Melrose (not just where they're doing utility work) in such an overall terrible condition. It is almost, if not at, the stage where, without an override/expenditure the size of which this City has never seen (and I and probably no one else can afford), we will never "catch up". No spin will fool people who drive around this City.
And no, I don't have a solution, so I suppose I shouldn't complain, but I'm an old faht, and that's what we do! [:|]
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
I think in today's age, we have many more cars and trucks using the roads then 20 or so years ago. We also dump so much salt on these roads every winter. Roads are awful in every city I drive.
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
Try Warwick Rd or Washington St. Simply awful, and they were awful before the terrible winter we had. It's lack of planning and maintenance, and they don't get fixed because they're not "news worthy", like the Highlands makeover, which from my perspective, is a disaster.
Re: Thank you to the Person that Vandalized my Flower Pots
Old Guy
The roads are the first thing potential home buyers experience. No hiding that. Why aren't the realtors screaming?
Let me see if I got this straight - you think that a city of 4 square miles, potential home buyers will carefully consider the condition of the roads as a consideration whether to buy in Melrose? Forget the beautiful downtown area, continuous upgrades of local major intersections, numerous recreational and green areas, larger than normal number of community organizations, a nationally recognized symphony orchestra, and our schools play not a major factor in such considerations?
Time to check the schedule of your meds - they may need an adjustment.
Ahem.....Mr. Defender of the Roads in Melrose: Folks most certainly take into account the road conditions of a city or town where they are thinking of buying a home. Generally bad roads scream "this city doesn't have enough money for infra structure".
Go take your venom someplace else. We try to keep it to a minimum over here.
We are now practicing that classic Lab Leap, usually performed off a dock. Since I don’t have a dock, she leaps into the air about 10 feet away and I am considered the imaginary water. Landing dead center on my chest is considered “right on target”.
You definitely have to visit somewhere with a dock. I remember as a youth watching a Lab tirelessly jump off a dock, retrieve a rock underwater, and then do it all over again. He/she could have cleared the whole lakebed of rocks!
To the volunteers, groups, and children who make sure the Veterans have new flags at the cemetery every year......
THANK YOU, your efforts do not go unnoticed, and I express my heartfelt appreciation!
You're right Fossil, the upper part of Warwick is in bad shape, not quite as ridiculous as Upham from Bellevue to Lebanon, but poor nonetheless. At least the condition of the lower portion of Larchmont (surprising!) shows that the lack of maintenance and repair is impartial!
Just turned 7 months. Training sessions continue in Maine.
Huge webbed feet are amazing when you get a good look at them.
Took about 8 throws to get her comfortable enough to know she wont sink but still a little hesitant.
And.... This one is a definite Chick Magnet!
I didn’t take off Old Guy! I’m still here reading every day! It’s just that over the years that this message board has thrived there are soooo many more people who are writing and opining about all the dirty politics, administrative shenanigans, blasting our local thugs like Dolan, Taymore, Thorpe, Driscoll, DelloRusso (he was the guy who left Plymouth with a water and sewer deficit of 1.4 million…guess history is repeating itself), Scenna (he’s the guy that “borrowed” city equipment to landscape his yard in Lynnfield….so what does Dolan do? Why he promotes him to the head of the DPW!)
I guess I don’t need to make all the points everyone else seems to be making. Didn’t you see the string I started extolling the virtues of Joan Bell? She is a lovely woman and very competent. And it so much fun to pi$$ off classic thugs like Mercer and McLaughlin! I’m gonna pound away at them some more later!
What have you gentlemen been up to? I have to admit I’ve been a little depressed lately. My daughter graduated from Pitt with a biology degree and is staying. Sniff…Sniff… She's working with the animal rescue league in Pittsburgh feeding baby birds and squirrels and any poor little thing that needs a surrogate mom.
I’m officially an empty nester. I’m slowly shaking off the blues and gearing up for what next comes in life. I just don’t know what that is. Hugs and Kisses! Patty
Well now Patty, there's only one person I know who knows "whats up" as we go shooting out of control toward infinity. That would be Geezer.... or Andy Palmer. So, um, I guess that's really two, unless we add RATT.
Old Guy: like I said in the past, I got out of Dodge a while ago and only sit on the side-lines read and shake my head at what is going on. I still periodically talk with friends, to confirm one way or the other that what I read on this site is or isn't factual. From what I hear from them a lot is true.
I can trace my lineage in Melrose back to about 1890 and had always loved it. However; things started to change and I didn't see it getting better in the near future. So when we found this house in our present town, we jumped on it and haven't looked back.
I will still come back to Melrose Messages and periodically make a comment on the Seniors site, but that's it. I look at everyone on the seniors site as a friend, as none of us is out to make anyone look bad (except when we periodically make disparaging comments about ourselves). I am sure that someone from the black side of the board will probably say that they are glad we left and guess what, we are too.
I think you're all wonderful on this string, and I just hope you keep coming back here to inject a little of your wonderfulness now and again. You are grounded and great perspective. We all need reminders! Smooches to you!
WOW. It's great to see that this site actually IS worth something. I look forward to the occasional post and it's always been the first place I check when signing in.
I tried too, but nuttin! Of course I wouldn't drive up to the tower, afraid they'd lock the gate behind me!
Possibly tonight, then 2016 sometime I think.
Great day at camp for the 4th of July. We seem to be developing a contest with the guys across the lake. This year the cost was just over $300 (with several neighbors kicking in). The kids loved it.
Happy to learn you weren't the guy who tried to shoot fireworks off of the top of his head!
As tragic as that story was/is, it's further demonstration that alcohol and fireworks don't mix, nor does alcohol with most activities.
Yup, Patty. She has a best friend who is very helpful and is a labradoodle (sp?)
Peer pressure is a wonderful thing. Although I did have to give her a little nudge that first time.