Melrose Seniors Friendly Forum
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Ethan Weiss

As such a scholar like myself, I recommend that all parents go back to MHS AND TAKE THE SEX ED CLASS!!!

Re: Ethan Weiss

You DO realize that you put this in the seniors section, right? Even if we did, and learned something new, why bother?

Re: Ethan Weiss

You DO realize that you put this in the seniors section, right? Even if we did, and learned something new, why bother?

Good an old dog - I still chase cars - but now wonder why!

Re: Ethan Weiss

Ya; but it is fun to dream.

Re: Ethan Weiss

Help us out and get the SC to get rid of the superintendent. The SC numbers are Liz 857-544-4923 and Christine 781-662-2347. It would be a big help to the district. [8-)]

Re: Ethan Weiss

Too late baby! The superintendent got 3 more years from the unqualified school committee. Cindy Taymore, who has the most law suits of any superintendent.The SC grades her with high honors. Get out and vote or put in a absentee ballet.